Parent-Teacher Meeting

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A week had passed since you picked up Yejun at his kindergarten. Looking back on the memory didn't hold the same embarrassment as when you experienced it in the moment. You never really had the time to hold onto those types of emotions for long. They didn't serve you any real purpose anyway. Brushing off instances like that was something you had to learn. While it was easier to ignore the awkward tension that had formed between Namjoon and you, there was something else bothering you. It was bothering you a lot more than you wished.

It was the question Yejun had asked. About wanting a father...sometimes in the middle of work, you would be doing just fine when that question would pop up in the back of your mind. What caused him to ask you this? It worried you a lot more than you wanted to admit. Were you not doing enough? It was always a fear of yours that Yejun would resent you for not trying to give him some sort of father or father figure. Then whenever you did think about dating, you had an internal battle with yourself. You felt selfish caring about your love life or you felt horrible for trying to find a guy to not only accept you but your child as well. It was too much and it was easier to ignore when Yejun never questioned the lack of a father.

Being distracted at work by this wasn't the best. You needed to pull yourself together before even Munhee notices. You've been acting off which you knew Haneul took note of. She's always been a sweet girl though you weren't blind to her extra kind actions. She brought you a few snacks and didn't talk your ear off about random things. Haneul was respectfully giving you space and reminding you that she was here in case you wanted to talk about it. While you appreciated the gestures from her, you also knew that you didn't want to burden the young girl with your problems. Not many people understood your situation.

"Can I trust you to be okay with me gone? You don't need me to run over a few things?" You were frantically roaming around your work area for your keys. They were on your desk, but your mind was all over the place that you almost left without them. Haneul was sitting at the computer printing labels like a natural. She had everything under control in comparison to you. She turned in her seat to face you, her brows knitted together in worry.

"I've got everything covered here." She assured you.

"Alright, good...I just feel bad for leaving work early again." You let out a breath, holding your belongings close to your chest. Haneul waved off your concerns, doing her best to give you a confident smile.

"You don't need to worry about it." She shook her head. "You also don't have to apologize for going to parent-teacher meeting. That's also one of your responsibilities."

"That's true." You let out a sigh. "Alright, I'm going now. Thank you!"

"Bye!" Haneul waved.

You scurried out of the company warehouse. Technically you weren't late at all, but for some reason you were anxious. It was only a parent-teacher meeting. One you scheduled with the teacher since your schedule tends to be busy with work all the time. There was only one open slot that worked with you. It just involved you leaving work early again and a lot of begging. The pleading was only because another parent had signed up for that slot. It was the only slot available after school rather than in the early morning. You figured taking this after school slot would be the most practical one since you would be able to take Yejun home right after. It was killing two birds with one stone!

At least Miss Hwang understood your desperate need to have this slot. That didn't mean the other parent was kicked from their slot. They would just be arriving a little bit earlier. The meeting shouldn't take that long according to Miss Hwang. Hopefully that's true even if you're in no rush to get home. You'll just take advantage of the extra free time you have with Yejun and to yourself. Though you definitely were considering inviting Jungkook over again. Having him with you guys last time was a lot of fun. You're sure that's something Yejun would love.

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