|| Author's Note ||

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That's a seventh book under my belt. That's crazy. I remember when I finished Warehouse and I already couldn't believe I wrote a book that long. I also had the immediate urge to write another story. I had left my old fandom and all I had to show for my new fandom was Warehouse. I thought that needed to change in order for it to be less embarrassing and give a reason for anyone into BTS to follow me. Era came, then Passion, Love, Dynasty, Serenity, and now I have New 'We' added to the list. Unfortunately, I broke the one word theme. Maybe I can refer to Jungkook's story as 'We' lmao. Either way, I started writing for BTS back in 2018 and now it's 2021. I thought it would take me forever to get to as many books as I have now and here I am. Not even close to done with my 'to write' list :')

Honestly, I just want to say thank you first of all to the people who actually bother to read my author's note and the notes from other authors. It means the world when you take the time to see what we have to say. It lets me show you guys how I'm human too and it shows me how much you respect me as a person and a writer. If you're one of those people who take the time to read our notes, I love you.

First, I need to get this out of the way. Yes, I deceived some of you into believing Haneul's ex was Yoongi. I had to. He takes forever to show up and it really doesn't take much to wonder if he's Yejun's father. I needed to throw you guys off with a fake Yoongi. Some believed it and some didn't even notice. Either way, I had to do it because yes. That's my reasoning. But also, I didn't completely lie when I said Yoongi has a small role in the story. He does. He may be Yejun's father, but even if he wasn't, the role of Yejun's father wasn't that big or important to begin with. I will say that not every member will get a big ongoing role like most of the members in here. DFL is a great example of rapline members appearing for one chapter and never again. Sorta. One appeared twice. It depends on the story and how much I need them honestly but whatever!

Let's talk about the process of making Here's to a New 'We' and what was going on in my life. Let me tell you, this story is one of the most personal ones I have ever written. If you're familiar with my works then you know I tend to use symbolism, insert lessons, and use writing as my therapy. Jungkook's fanfic was huge therapy to me. There was a six month period in my life that I won't ever forget. While it did teach me a lot of things, I'm going to be blunt and say it was a miserable six months as necessary as most of it was.

I used to work at a warehouse packaging items. I did what Haneul did and in a lot of ways, I relate to Haneul. She's the youngest worker, shy, and trying her best. She was still her own person though since there are differences between me and her. There were times when I related to Reader, to Jungkook, to Taehyung, to Hoseok. Practically everyone except Seokjin. Maybe. Getting back on track, what I was originally trying to say is that I had a hard time working. The job itself wasn't necessarily hard, but it was my coworkers. Some I did get friendly with and one caused me to have a panic attack. It sucked. It was like a day or two after I finished publishing all of Serenity. She made it hard to work, but it wasn't only her. There was another woman who gave me a hard time. Another woman who annoyed me and another who I stayed away from due to the advice of my sisters. There were a bunch of bad apples in the older women who worked at this company which I guess came in the form of Munhee. Still, Munhee is better than them I would say. I wrote Munhee in almost a hopeful way if that makes sense. She's not necessarily pure evil, but I would think calling her nothing but a 'bitter old woman' would be an injustice.

I took a lot of inspiration from Aggretsuko. If you haven't watched it, please do. The art style is cute, but the topics they cover are so mature and portrayed well. One of my favorite being that Retsuko's boss is portrayed as literally the worst pig to ever exist. He has so many flaws and yet there were times when he was genuine and sincere with her. He showed a caring and understanding side to her when the time called for it. To me, I loved that. It made him complex and it was the perfect reminder that not everyone is a 'villain'. Ton may be a hated character for everyone in the beginning because of how he behaves as a boss. He's certainly not perfect, but after watching the show, I do enjoy his presence and I'm grateful for the wise advice he can offer to Retsuko when she's in desperate need of it. I attempted that with Munhee as blunt and cold as her words may seem. Even with Namjoon, he may have dated Reader and had hopes for their relationship but it didn't work out. There was no dramatic toxic breakup, Namjoon wasn't cruel towards Jungkook or Reader. Yoongi may have gotten Reader pregnant, but he was still responsible in the best way he could be. He's not an awful person at all. In my opinion, it was a mature and responsible thing for him to own up to his feelings about being a lacking father and still help out in a way that is best for the baby.

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