Nothing Interesting

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What a day! The sun was shining and the birds were singing a beautiful catchy tune. Taehyung could have sworn he saw a rainbow in the sky. It had been raining earlier in the morning, but he stepped out only for the weather to take a complete 180 just for him. That made traveling around town a lot easier considering he couldn't drive yet. All he had was his trusty sneakers to take him far! He's been skipping around town, humming as he visited every local spot he could to leave flyers promoting the high school musical. Opening night was coming closer which only got his blood pumping. The moment tech week hits, he's going to be completely in the zone! No one will be allowed to touch him.

Taehyung had the tendency to become cranky and sensitive during tech week. Who could blame him though? Teachers were unwilling to cut him some slack with homework when tech week literally took up all his time. Over half his day gets spent at school thanks to that. But he knows how important it is for the techies to start running through the cue sheet with the actors on stage, have the props coming on and off, actors getting familiar with the lighting, and running the show as if there was an audience. It was horribly stressful. Since he was the male lead, there was lot riding on Taehyung. Still, he was going to make sure he finished his senior year off with a bang as the best Phantom this town has ever seen!

Was he ambitious? Maybe. Taehyung had no doubt in his operatic skill and in his acting. He didn't get lead role after lead role for nothing. He took his craft seriously to the point where he argued with an ensemble member to get their blocking down right. How do they not have it memorized? Opening night is in two weeks so what the hell are they doing!? It made Taehyung's heart pound furiously, but he tried to keep calm. He's a nice person. Usually. He won't hesitate to scold any cast member if they begin goofing off backstage. Don't they know how dangerous that is?

Seriously, with the hot strip lights near the cyclorama and the rigging system. Gosh, the rigging system! Taehyung took it upon himself to remind the newcomers that anytime a techie was handling the rigging system to be on the lookout. They wouldn't want to be hit by the mid when it was being flown in, would they? But alas, Taehyung took his work probably a little too seriously in comparison to his fellow actors who haven't done community theatre and worked with adults. As long as they don't cause too many issues during tech week then Taehyung supposes everything will turn out alright. For now, he'll continue to spread the word of the musical.

All his walking had finally brought him to a new location he's never been to before. Taehyung stared up at the name of the shop in awe. He's never noticed it in the past even though he's grown up in this town. Was it new? The place was called Sunshine in a Cup which was a cute name. He peered into the small shop, smiling to see it was open. It looked like a coffee shop from where he stood. Maybe this was a local business instead of a chain one. Taehyung pushed open the door, stepping inside to be greeted by a barista that had the looks of a movie star.

"Welcome." The man bowed his head, his name tag reading 'Seokjin'.

Taehyung politely bowed his head back to the older man. This place has never been recommended to him once. He's never seen or heard it which he found impossible. Was this place any good? Taehyung looked up at the menu behind Seokjin as he held his flyers. There were only a couple left so it wouldn't hurt to take a break here. Maybe he just might find a nice local gem. There weren't many people inside the coffee shop. Just the handsome barista and some guy sitting at the counter. He didn't appear to be drinking anything though. His back was hunched over with a hood covering his face as he played a game on his phone. But then another barista came out from the back with a drink in their hand, adding extra caramel before sliding it over to the weirdo in the hood.

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