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The days to your son's first day of kindergarten were counting down. It was hurting you even though it was such a huge milestone. You were excited for him to experience school. It would be the place where he would be exposed to all kinds of subjects to learn and people to befriend. He'd find out what his interests are as he grows up, get involved with school activities, and find himself as the years go by. You were thrilled in that aspect to watch your baby thrive. The only downside was your momma blues. The want to keep your baby small and dependent on you. They're so cute. The idea of Yejun growing up sort of intimidated you since truthfully, you felt like you could do better as a parent. You just didn't know how. Naturally you weren't perfect though no parent really is.

It was no secret that most mothers could relate with your current position. You still did your best to get Yejun excited about kindergarten. School was a fun place for you. It was where you really pushed yourself to be the best you could be. Even when things got tough in your personal life, you allowed schoolwork to be your distraction. Seeing high marks on your tests was satisfying and you knew it gave your mother joy. She at least didn't have to worry about you struggling in the future. Which you technically weren't so that was good. It just didn't go in the order you had originally thought it would. Regardless, Yejun is blessing that you're grateful for.

So even if you're holding back tears on the day you drop him off at school, you're thrilled for him. Thinking about him and his future alone is the strength you need to get on with your day. Another day back at work. Seeing Munhee was not exciting though you were looking forward to seeing a few friendly faces. Struggling with the Japan shipment was another ordeal. As you got ready to leave, you were moving all over the place. You didn't realize how much noise you were making this early in the morning. It didn't occur to you until you spotted the small form near the kitchen. Yejun was yawning, wiping his eyes as he stood in front of you.

"Yejun? What are you doing up so early?" You crouched down in front of him. "Taehyung doesn't come until an hour more. You can go back to bed."

"Mmm, no." Yejun shook his head. You pursed your lips at this. You didn't really want him watching cartoons for a whole hour while he waited for Taehyung. Sleeping was the best option for your growing boy. Yejun only stepped closer to you, wrapping his arms around you tightly. The confusion you had felt earlier washed away with his affectionate action. You were quick to hug him back and sway him. "I love you, Eomma."

"I love you too, Baby." You gave him a big kiss on his cheek. How did he always manage to make you smile? You stared into his eyes, your heart swelling with warmth and overwhelming adoration for him. Yejun let out the smallest giggle from the kiss before making sure to give you one back. This just made you want to call in sick at work to spend the day with him. That wasn't really possible though. You didn't exactly trust a lot of the workers there without you present. Then you also knew that the money from working today would be incredibly useful. "I have to get going to work now."

"No." Yejun whined. "Stay. Stay, Eomma!" He begged, his hands clinging onto your clothes. "Let's play and, and, and have morning num num!" Yejun rubbed his stomach in hopes that you would understand that he was talking about breakfast.

"Taehyung is going have to make you breakfast. I'm sorry, Baby. Eomma just has to go to work right now," You explained as he frowned, shaking his head.

"Why?" He slowly released you.

"Work gives me money and money lets me buy food, your toys, and lets us live here. It's important that I show up." You gave him a smile. "I could get in trouble if I don't and I don't want to get in trouble. Does that make sense, Yejun?"

"Yeah..." Yejun nodded.

"Thank you for understanding, Baby. I promise that I'll be back home later to make us dinner as always." You kissed his forehead. He stayed silent as you stood up to your full height again. You luckily weren't running late, but you certainly were cutting it close to your usual time. Yejun watched you put on your jacket and grab your lunch bag. His eyes stayed glued to you as you went to the door, glancing at him again. "Don't open the door for anyone, Yejun. Taehyung has a key so he can get in. Behave while I'm gone and make sure to clean up your toys when Taehyung tells you too."

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