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Okay, so most people don't interact with the source of their problem yet here you were. Unable to help yourself as you found yourself at the mall with Jungkook. It was just a reflex! Without thinking, you texted him if he wanted to join Yejun and you to the mall. He responded quickly and agreed which was great news before you remembered your little conflict. The one that still existed and you hadn't solved nor were you really working on dealing with it. Just what exactly were you doing? Did you even think? As frustrating as it was, it didn't matter now anyway. Yejun was thrilled to see Jungkook and his excitement rubbed off on you easily. You were happy to see Jungkook too.

The idea to go to the mall was yours. You just wanted to spend time with Yejun outside of the house. The mall was the first thing that popped up in your head and inviting Jungkook just happened. Since he joined you guys, he offered to pick the both of you up. He wanted to return the favor for picking him up for Taehyung's musical. The conversation flowed easily with him after that. He came by with his car, Yejun and you happily getting inside. Your son immediately bragged to you about his special seat in Jungkook's car. His seat belt specifically had a dinosaur plushie attached to make it soft against his chest. A thoughtful addition that Jungkook bought for your child.

Jungkook's ears were turning red as he drove. He didn't expect Yejun to point that out to you. Was he embarrassed? You smiled at Jungkook, touched by the little things he did for your son. He put a lot of thought in taking care of your son. It never went unnoticed by you. The rest of the drive to the mall was a cheerful one with all three of you singing along to the radio. Honestly, you could see why people would think you were with Jungkook or that something would happen. You could understand why Yejun saw Jungkook as a Dad for everything that he did. While you understood, you still weren't convinced something would happen.

The two of you are just friends.

That was already agreed on by Jungkook and you. Neither of you made a huge deal about it. All it was to the both of you was awkward. Brushing off people's assumptions about you guys was easier than when Yejun called Jungkook his Dad. That would take some getting used to. That word in's not even something you were accustomed to. So as strange as it might be to hear your son call your best friend his Dad, you were happy he found his male role model. You suppose that was seeing it in a positive light.

"Field day, huh?" Jungkook raised a brow at your boy. He held Yejun's left hand while you held the boy's right. The three of you were slowly walking around the mall together, occasionally lifting up Yejun off his feet to hear him giggle.

"Mmhm!" Yejun nodded.

"I'm taking the day off work to come see him," You said, piquing Jungkook's interest.

"Well, obviously I'm gonna have to go!" Jungkook smiled as Yejun began to jump happily. "I wanna see just how athletic you are, Yejunie. I loved field day when I was a kid."

"You did?" Yejun tilted his head curiously.

"Yeah, I always did good running laps." Jungkook held his head up pridefully. You giggled lightly at this while Yejun stared at the older man in awe. Anything Jungkook often did or said, Yejun admired. He wanted to be just like Jungkook when he grows up.

"I'll lun—r-run like you!" Yejun stammered, tripping over his words due to his excitement. Jungkook and you lifted him up in the air shortly, Yejun squealing out of glee.

Yejun had a smile stretching from ear to ear. It was big news to him that he would have both you and Jungkook at his school. Field day was a big event the school had which he had been looking forward to the minute Miss Hwang announced it to the class. Basically, the entire school would have their classes compete in little athletic games. The kindergartners would be doing similar activities as the big kids, but on a smaller scale. The jog-a-thon would be smaller. There was going to be an obstacle course that the kids could do. It was a wide range of things that Yejun couldn't wait to win. He wanted to win every first place ribbon he could!

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