A Disaster & A Date

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Jungkook's P.O.V.


Crying was not a good look on a babysitter. At least that was the one thing keeping me strong when babysitting two kids. It's not like Yejun and Jimin were hard to look after. That wasn't the case at all! Yejun was pretty manageable and Jimin hardly moved. Well, Jimin didn't even speak either. He stayed clutching his sheep and only moving when Yejun pulled him around. With how little Jimin did...anything...it scared me. Was he still breathing? It looked like it. He wasn't reaching for his inhaler or looking panicked. Actually, he did look panicked. Jimin's eyes have been wide this entire time as if he thought he was going to be eaten alive.

That clearly was not going to happen. What has been happening in the short amount of time (F/n) and Namjoon left for their not-so-platonic-meeting has been a complete disaster. The first thing that Yejun insisted on doing was breaking into the cookie jar. Doing so involved him hopping onto the counter and climbing up to reach the heavy jar inside the cabinet. Maybe I should have put a little more thought into watching the boys. My timing was a little slow, but I was successful in stopping an accident! I was a hero! No hurt children on my sight!

The only issue with grabbing Yejun and putting him back on the ground was that he began to get whiny. Jimin watched me wrap my arms around Yejun's body, carefully removing him from the counter. Thankfully the little troublemaker didn't grab onto the cookie jar. That would have been a terrifying mess. Though things got worse when Yejun started to beg for the cookies. Immediately the sound of distress coming from Yejun didn't set will with Jimin. That must have made me the enemy in his eyes or something. Jimin was starting to tremble, the two kids screaming at me.

Crap. Crap. Crap.

Now when I tell you things got worse...just a little. I didn't let it get too crazy. But here's the thing! (F/n) left me in charge of two kids. Technically that Namjoon guy also gave me a bit of his trust and honestly...I wasn't about to start pissing off a millionaire. My broke @ss cannot afford to get sued if he notices the smallest scratch on his son. Not only that, but I need (F/n) to continue trusting me. How else is she supposed to continue letting me take care of Yejun if I screw up with Jimin? I might as well get completely cut out of her life if I ruin her chances with the millionaire. All of it was making me want to cry.

So I did what any other desperate babysitter would do. I calmed the children down by bringing the jar of cookies for them. Things only continued to spiral downwards from here. With the cookie jar down, I let Yejun and Jimin have at it. They could have as many as they wanted! Smile, be happy! Kids love cookies! And it worked. Sort of. Yejun ate about seven cookies when he got super hyper with sugar. Jimin refused to eat to my dismay and even refused my attempts to give him water. Come on! Water! What's so wrong about water? Sure, the flavor is awful, but it's important!

"Come on, Jimin. Water!" I held the cup in front of him. He sat on a chair at the kitchen table with me meanwhile Yejun was running around in circles. He was screaming and giggling pretty loud. It was hurting my ears, but he wasn't doing anything too awful. It was his friend that had me worried. What if Jimin dies of dehydration or starvation in my hands? Namjoon might as well murder me and cover it up with all the money he has! "You like water, right?"

"Mm..." Jimin whined, leaning away from me anytime I brought the cup near him. He shook his head and held his sheep tighter.

"You need to drink water, Jimin." I sighed.

"Kookie hyung! Look! Look! I'm fast!" Yejun pretended to be a superhero running circles around the table.

"Yep, I see that. Just like Sonic!" I gave him some attention before looking right back at Jimin. "Water~!"

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