Not Meant to Be

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(Yejun played by Kwon Eunseong)


Life has been interesting. Things may have been going normally for you and Yejun, but Jungkook felt like he was in a weird period in his life. He couldn't exactly name it. All he knew was that it was happening, and it was impossible to get out of his mind. Things have been odd since Namjoon had a talk with him. That was a week ago so he's had time to let all of that sink in. It was harder for Jungkook to feel angry or jealousy towards Namjoon. There were times when he wanted to be jealous like when the fifth date between you and Namjoon happened. He just didn't have the energy to be bitter about it anymore. It's not like Namjoon was a bad guy either. After their conversation, Jungkook could see how good of a person Namjoon is.

It was impossible to hate Namjoon. Just great. It kind of bugged Jungkook that he couldn't hate Namjoon anymore. A lot of his emotions were irrational to begin with. Especially his hatred towards Taehyung which wasn't even hatred. While Jungkook got annoyed by the teenager, he didn't actually hold any ill feelings towards him. Not that Jungkook was going to tell Taehyung that. Taehyung had a big head as is. The last thing anyone needed to tell Taehyung was that Jungkook actually didn't mind his presence. Jungkook still had walls to keep up without this kid getting more nosy in his business. Even if Taehyung liked Jungkook with you.

Thanks to that conversation, Jungkook has been off Namjoon's back. He felt bad for the guy and promised to take good care of Jimin any time the boy was in his care. Jungkook wanted to be better in that way. That didn't stop Jungkook from feeling embarrassed though. It was strange knowing that Namjoon was aware of his feelings for you. The girl he was dating. It really left Jungkook wanting to scream at himself for being obvious. Was it awkward for Namjoon since Jungkook was your best friend and also your babysitter? It didn't look like there was any bad blood between them.

Hopefully it stays that way.

"Kookie hyung!" Yejun stomped his foot.

Someone had a bit of an attitude. Though truthfully, Jungkook felt it was coming. He had been too busy getting distracted by you. Any time he got the chance, his eyes would wander over to you in the kitchen. You were trying out a new recipe for the three of you eat for lunch. It was the weekend now so Jungkook arrived early. He was here practically every day with today being no different. You had your music playing softly as you moved around in the kitchen. Jungkook felt like he could watch you forever. You were cutely singing along and doing little dance moves. In short, you were a major dork, but Jungkook absolutely adored it.

The only one not loving it was Yejun. He was trying to have play time with Jungkook in the living room. They were in the middle of playing yet Jungkook would always stop paying attention. It was easily getting on Yejun's nerves. He didn't have the patience to put up with it nor did he know the exact reason that Jungkook was staring off. Yejun only saw Jungkook no longer giving him attention and that alone was enough to upset Yejun. He badly wanted his hyung's attention. He stomped his feet and whined, but Jungkook wasn't responding to him. Yejun rushed to throw himself on Jungkook in order to catch his attention.

"AGH." Jungkook fell back. He was quickly on the floor with Yejun on top of him. He groaned briefly, waiting for Yejun to climb off him. Instead the boy stayed holding onto Jungkook on the floor.

"Hyuuuung!" Yejun whined. "You're not playing with me." He pouted, his sad expression leaving Jungkook disappointed in himself. He shouldn't get distracted by you. The poor boy just wanted his attention so they could play. Yejun wasn't asking for much.

"I'm sorry, Yejunie. I'll play with you." Jungkook ruffled his hair. That got an immediate giggle out of the boy. He got off of Jungkook, crawling over to get his Godzilla plushie and hold it out towards the male. It took Jungkook by surprise at first. Yejun was going to let him hold Godzilla? That wasn't something Yejun let anybody do. He doesn't even let you, his own mother, hold Godzilla. Yejun was the only one allowed to hold Godzilla so what was this? "You want me to hold Godzilla?"

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