Father & Son

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Father & Son Bonus


There was a soft whine coming from Yejun. He's been doing that for the past few days. Ever since he discovered that his front tooth was loose, the Do household has been walking on eggshells. Yejun refuses to eat hard foods and is terrified to touch his tooth. He even avoids his favorite jellybeans! It apparently was that serious to the six-year-old.

This was something Jungkook had warned the child of a year ago. His teeth would have to come out eventually. Yejun was afraid though. He would barely touch his tooth and cried when it was time to brush his teeth. Tonight was another one of those nights. Jungkook had Yejun in the bathroom with him. Brushing teeth before bed was mandatory, but Yejun was trying his best to use the sympathy card on Jungkook. Anything to leave his tooth alone.

"Yejun, we need to brush your teeth." Jungkook grabbed the toothbrush only for Yejun to shake his head profusely.

"No!" Yejun had tears in his eyes.

"Yejunie..." Jungkook sighed. He pursed his lips, setting the brush on the counter. He crouched down to be at Yejun's height. "It won't hurt if you just let me take the tooth out."

"...scary," Yejun mumbled. His frightened face hurt Jungkook more than his son would ever know.

"I would never hurt you, Baby. I promise." Jungkook brought his hand up to stroke Yejun's hair. "Will you let me take the tooth out? It won't bother you anymore."


"Promise." Jungkook nodded with a grin. "My Appa would do this for me." He chuckled at the memories. He was scared back then so he could understand Yejun's fear.

Yejun slowly opened his mouth, allowing Jungkook to wiggle his front tooth. It was very loose which made it easy for Jungkook. He just had to be confident that he wasn't hurting his child. With a quick pluck, the tooth was taken out. Yejun had his face scrunched tightly as if he were waiting for it to be over. Jungkook immediately chuckled as he held the baby tooth.

"It's out, Baby." Jungkook watched Yejun open his big eyes in surprise. He didn't feel a thing!

"Ah...that's my tooth!!" Yejun gained a lisp. Jungkook felt his heart burst at how adorable his son was.

"Yeah, Baby. Let's have you rinse your mouth with water and put your tooth under your pillow." Jungkook stood up to turn on the sink. Yejun grabbed a cup, filling it up as he stared at Jungkook. The small child couldn't stop himself from smiling. He really has the best Dad ever.


"I'm going to let go, Yejun!" Jungkook told the boy.

"N-No! Don't let go, Appa!" Yejun tightly held onto the handlebars. He wasn't confident as Jungkook pushed him faster.

Now that Jungkook and you were married, the three of you moved into a bigger house that could handle another baby as well. A place that had enough space for Yejun to own a bike. Yoongi bought it for the boy for his last birthday. Once again, Yoongi was buying expensive birthday presents. At least Yejun was no longer treating Yoongi like a stranger. They were still a little stiff around each other, but they were growing comfortable. Even Jungkook and Yoongi were getting along. There was understanding between them which Jungkook was grateful for.

You would have taught Yejun how to ride a bike, but you were busy with Yejin inside. That left Jungkook to help Yejun out. The boy has been begging to learn how to ride his bike every day. Now that they were finally practicing, Yejun was chickening out. Jungkook was surprised that Yejun was getting nervous. The little boy kept putting his feet down any time he felt like he was leaning to one side too much. Jungkook just knew that Yejun needed to let go of that fear and trust himself.

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