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There was something different in the air. Particularly the air around Jungkook. The way he carried himself had caught Hoseok's eye straight away. Jungkook didn't come stumbling into his coffee shop or start screaming about his problems off the bat. He calmly walked inside, saying good morning to both Seokjin and Hoseok. Was Jungkook feeling okay? It looked like there was a lot on Jungkook's mind though. It disturbed Seokjin with how peaceful Jungkook was. He figured that would only make it easier to talk about his own current problems. Not that anyone cared. Hoseok would never give him the time of day and besides, his attention would always be on Jungkook.

The silence wasn't something Jungkook was doing on purpose. He didn't mean to scare or startle his friends. He was only lost in his own thoughts. He managed to fall asleep last night so when he woke up, it left him with a lot of thoughts. He was feeling a sense of clarity. Deep down, Jungkook knew the answers to his problems. They didn't magically appear in front of him or anything like that. Instead, the answers faced him over time. They were told to him verbally or he came to the conclusion himself. Sometimes he listened and other times he chose not to. Now he was thinking about finally handling the issues he brushed off and made worse.

Jungkook decided to himself last night that he was going to change. He hoped that he was going to stick to that promise. It meant he would have to give up on certain things though. That part was hard to come to terms with. He didn't want to. For so long, he was determined and passionate. He didn't want to just give up, but it's not like his obsession was serving him in any way. He needed to let go and work on himself. Jungkook realized this as he sat at the counter in front of Hoseok. His legs were dangling as he sat on the stool, sighing to himself.

"Can I ask what's going on?" Hoseok tilted his head. His concern was clear as he leaned closer to check on Jungkook. The younger looked at him with his big eyes, sighing heavily yet smiling. "Are you okay, Kookie?"

"I'm sad...but I'm okay." Jungkook shrugged. He still had a smile on his face and it wasn't forced at all. It wasn't the kind where he was trying to be strong. Nothing like that. It baffled Hoseok, but it made sense to Jungkook. He was doing something good for himself. He was going to grow and move on because he was determined to do so. Even if it meant letting go of everything he had childishly grown attached to.

"You're sad?" Hoseok repeated, his brows furrowed to make sure what he heard was right.

"Yep." Jungkook nodded. Hoseok's expression only became more addled along with Seokjin who stood near the back. He figured he should explain everything going through his mind. His two hyungs were painfully lost by his mysterious comments. "I had a serious talk with (F/n) yesterday and it just made me realize a few things..."

"Serious? What do you mean?" Hoseok asked.

"It's not really my place to share what she said, but it was eye opening, Hyung. I think now...now I understand every time you called me a child in the past." Jungkook pursed his lips. Seokjin stopped lingering near the back, slowly walking closer to hear what was going on. "I really wasn't an adult like I thought I was. I guess I am by age, but mentally I wasn't there...I wasn't ready. I'm ready now even if adulthood isn't what I thought it was."

"What are you going on about?" Seokjin blinked in confusion.

"I'm saying that it's time to focus on myself. I should keep growing and be willing to learn," Jungkook said though his response didn't help Seokjin whatsoever. The eldest continued to look at Jungkook as if he were crazy. Seokjin wouldn't be surprised if Jungkook was on some sort of drug. However, Hoseok was trying to understand what his friend was saying. Jungkook wanted to grow up? "Yesterday, I met Yejun's real Appa."

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