Childish Fun

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It's amazing how agreeing to go out for ice cream turned into clubbing. Though that was mainly Seokjin's idea. After almost fighting the less than sober ice cream employee at Baskin-Robbins, Seokjin had the great idea of going to the club. He called it being inspired. Right. Whatever made sense in his head. Both Hoseok and Jungkook weren't really feeling the idea. After all, this celebration night was supposed to be for Jungkook. The last thing he wanted to do was go to some over crowed place filled with intoxicated and horny people. Why couldn't he eat his ice cream and watch cartoons? That sounded a lot more appealing for a number of reasons. This was supposed to be his night in the first place!

Thankfully Hoseok had Jungkook's back in this. The idea of going clubbing didn't sit well with him either. They had work tomorrow and Hoseok really didn't want to deal with a hungover Seokjin. Nor did he want Seokjin calling out sick because he went overboard with the drinking. None of that was happening under Hoseok's watch. Hoseok personally felt too old to be clubbing anyway. It wasn't exactly his scene, not that it ever was. Clubbing to him was something done in his early twenties, but now that he was twenty-six...he'd much rather leave that in the past. It was unfortunate to see Seokjin's overwhelming push to go club when the man is twenty-nine. Then again, Seokjin has proved himself countless times to be incredibly immature. It went down like this.

"Mint chocolate chip should be against the LAW!" Seokjin threw his fist in the air.

"Mmhm." The ice cream worker barely nodded his head. He looked like he was ready to fall over onto his side. He didn't really seem to care for Seokjin's Anti-Mint-Choco movement.

"Man, just let me enjoy my ice cream in peace. This is about me. ME." Jungkook slapped his hand against his chest. This quickly got Seokjin to scoff at the younger. "What? I said what I said! I don't care about your law."

"B*tch, I AM the law!" Seokjin claimed.

"Hoseok hyung!" Jungkook frowned.

"Seokjin, I need you to shut the hell up and just pick an ice cream flavor already. At this point, I really can't give a tiny rat's @ss or not if you leave this Baskin-Robbin's with an empty stomach." Hoseok had his arms crossed. The three of them were the only ones standing in the building.


The only bad part about that was that it only encouraged Seokjin further to behave like this. He was starting a riot at an ice cream shop at night. Over a flavor too. Jungkook and Hoseok should have expected some sort of scene from Seokjin. They've spent enough time with him to know that he's dramatic and shameless. The fact that he currently has no girlfriend only increases his unstable emotions. There were also no girls around for him to impress. Hence why they had to deal with Seokjin's behavior. The man is a pure lunatic.

"You don't mean that." Seokjin faced Hoseok. The brunette only stared back, unamused by Seokjin's attempt to hear that he cared. Hoseok was ready to leave with Jungkook tonight and abandon Seokjin. The issue with that though is the fact that Seokjin was their ride here. That was a mistake in hindsight. "You love me too much, Hoseok. I'm sure you care at least one cheek of a tiny rat's @ss."

"Not a single cheek," Hoseok replied.

"You're one cold, motherf*cker." Seokjin stomped his foot. He looked back at the employee before pointing at chocolate. "I want chocolate! Regular, good chocolate. You can't mess this up."

"I'm drunk so...haha, I might." The employee lazily got Seokjin's single scoop. He placed it on the counter for him to take though Seokjin was now intrigued.

"Drunk you say?" Seokjin smirked. He turned to face Hoseok and Jungkook with an idea. "We should go clubbing!"

"Hell no." Hoseok and Jungkook refused. This sparked another argument between all of them. This one involving a lot more yelling that was causing the employee to have a headache. Baskin-Robbin's was closing so he needed to kick them out anyway. The only issue was that the three of them were staying planted in the building. They didn't realize how urgent it was for the employee who felt sick to his stomach now. He kept pointing towards the door only to get ignored. Next thing the boys know, the employee threw up in the middle of the ice cream shop. It was horrendous.

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