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Jungkook's P.O.V.


Do you ever want to just lie on the road in the middle of the highway and scream at the cars to run you over? Because that thought has been floating through my head since yesterday. It was one thing to have (F/n) telling me that she didn't see us happening and another thing for me to friendzone myself. Out of pure desperation and impulse, I ran out of the cupcake shop with only one thing filling my mind. Don't let her go. I don't know why those words were screaming at me. They were giving me a headache as I watched her walk to her car. My entire body was shaking and numb. My hands were sweatier than ever when I felt my body moving on its own. Reaction took over as I found myself standing in front of her, spouting the need to stay in her life.

And as a friend.

What kind of guy friendzones himself? I felt like the biggest idiot out there. The words had spilled out of my mouth without a second thought. It was just the first thing that I could come up with that would get her to stay. Nothing else was going to change her mind about me. She seemed set on not dating me, but leaving me entirely? That just wasn't an idea I could fathom. There was a click! I was sure as hell that I felt it. This wasn't me being crazy either. There was a click and she may have not felt it, but maybe I can get her to fall in love with me later. And if we work better as friends then this whole thing might work out, right?

I don't know. I'm competitive as hell and still attracted to her. The moment I see some other guy having his eye on (F/n), I might just flirt with her out of nowhere. That's definitely not what a friend does. It was too late to take back what I said. (F/n) agreed to my surprise and that was that. She drove away with a happy expression. She gained a friend from the dating app. Not exactly what she expected though she was grateful none the less.

Then there was me, in pain. Suffering. Crawling back to my dark hole, a joke of a home. I was supposed to clean up yet there was no motivation in me. My first instinct was to drag my body over to my messy bed. I had officially ran out of clean clothes to wear. This was going to bite me in the morning, huh? Screw it. I'll rot here and turn into the dust on my pillow sheets. Hoseok might come to check on me in about two weeks. He acts like he doesn't care about my wellbeing sometimes, but I know the truth. Hoseok will be there for my funeral like a true bro. I groaned, upset with life until I eventually knocked out. And when I woke up, my problems still hadn't vanished.

"D*mn it!!" I kicked my blanket onto the ground. This was becoming ridiculous. Life needs to give me a break. I'm trying my best here!

Rolling off my bed and onto the floor, I forced myself to get up. I needed to make an attempt at cleaning my sh*t up. Not everything. Just a little. At least doing the laundry. Luckily, I enjoyed doing the laundry to a certain extent. There was one thing in particular that I enjoyed when it came to washing my clothes. Pulling off my shirt, I tossed it onto the dirty pile and continued stripping until everything was off. I live alone and the world is my oyster.

Picking up all the clothes, I tossed it into the basket for laundry. Look at me. Being a responsible adult. Hoseok could never. He wishes! I smirked to myself, holding my chin up as I went over to my washing machine. I shoved all my clothes inside along with the forbidden gusher, a tide pod. My favorite part though was coming up. I grabbed my downy fabric softener, happy to use it and soon turn on the washing machine when everything was set. I'll do my laundry first then go visit Hoseok. The two of us have a lot to talk about. I'm basically struggling through a crisis right now. I need hyung's guidance to help me out of the friendzone. Not many people can make it out, but I plan to defy the impossible.

After waiting almost two hours, my clothes had been washed and dried completely. Success! New clothes to last me an entire month again! I threw all of it into the basket and brought it over to my wardrobe, shoving them inside so they could be used. Only a few clothes were left in the basket for me to switch in. First my boxers, pants, and lastly my shirt. I took a whiff of it, smiling at the smell of downy. The only good thing about doing my laundry. I threw my shirt on before making my way out of my apartment. Hoseok's coffee shop should be open and not too busy right now. Perfect timing for me to come strolling in~!

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