Kookie like Cookie

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"And that's why I think the click is still there." Jungkook confidently held up his chin. The younger didn't mean to brag except he totally did. This was big news. Major news!

"You felt a click...because she ate Chapstick as a kid?" Hoseok blinked.

But of course, one will always have haters. That was inevitable. This was more than just the Chapstick! This was about the two of them bonding on a whole other level. Forget talking about work or their daily lives! No, they took a trip down memory lane! That meant a lot to Jungkook while Hoseok was taking it too literally. He couldn't get over the ants when in reality, their conversation was talking about their past. Nothing dark or rough. Silly simple memories that only close family really know. Memories that usually get ignored unless the timing is right. Somehow Jungkook managed to unlock them! This totally felt like a videogame, but way more complicated than any dating simulator he had ever played.

Memories of last night wouldn't stop running through his head. The two of you talked about a few things from your childhood. In his opinion, that's one of the best ways to bond with another person. Hoseok wasn't seeing what Jungkook was seeing. Technically all that stuff was in the past but bringing it up to another person who didn't experience it with you at the time? That meant something. They wanted to share their life with you. It had Jungkook getting all excited in his seat again. You trusted him enough to talk about embarrassing things you did in the past! If that's not an achievement then he doesn't know what is.

"Okay, okay, forget that stuff. What about the kid? Did you meet her kid?" Hoseok asked, ruining Jungkook's euphoric state.


His entire body stiffened just at the mention of the boy. Jungkook was working on getting over his hesitancy towards the child. It just obviously wasn't going to be a very quick process. Yesterday he had a very close opportunity to meeting Yejun. He was in the same house as Jungkook, but Yejun was deep asleep by the time he came. Your son never came out of his room to Jungkook's relief. Yejun could have woken up and gone down to surprise Jungkook with his presence. Luckily, he never did which the black hair was grateful for. He wasn't prepared to meet him despite buying a backpack for the child. Jungkook literally can't get himself to make any sense. He buys Yejun a gift, but doesn't want to meet him? Well, it's not that he doesn't want to. All it is...is Jungkook being scared. Just a tad.

"No..." Jungkook answered quietly, seeing Hoseok raise a brow at his friend. "What? He was taking a nap!" Maybe the maknae was reacting a little too defensively. Hoseok was still giving Jungkook a confused expression meanwhile Seokjin was snickering. What is he laughing at? A frown was quick to form on Jungkook's face, narrowing his eyes on this dude. Jungkook knows he's Hoseok's new employee, but he already didn't trust the guy. Seokjin just rubbed Jungkook the wrong way and he couldn't quite explain why. He just did! "Are you eavesdropping!?"

"You're not talking quietly." Seokjin shrugged causing Jungkook to gasp. Nearly standing out of his seat, Jungkook stuck his finger at him.

"Hoseok! Fire him!" Jungkook huffed. Seokjin scoffed at this, slapping the rag in his hand onto the counter.

"I haven't done anything! What's your friend's problem?" Seokjin looked at Hoseok for help.

When Hoseok hired Seokjin, he did so because he was desperate. He needed someone helping out full time. Seokjin was the only one willing to fill the spot. More accurately, the only applicant. Technically he could have waited longer to see if others were interested. The only thing was that Hoseok didn't have time for that. The faster, the better. That's how he ended up with Seokjin who is thankfully an experienced worker. He hasn't even been working at the coffee shop for that long though Hoseok could tell he did good hiring the male. Seokjin was a quick learner and a hard worker which was all Hoseok could really ask for. The only problem was the tension that would occasionally appear anytime his coworker and best friend were in the same room.

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