Easy to Read

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Jungkook's P.O.V.


This was a bad habit. I was aware of that, but...it was Friday!! I didn't need to babysit Yejun tomorrow so that meant there would be no consequences for my actions. Plus it's been a while since I've picked up a controller and played into the night. I was gaming way more than I should have. Not that I particularly cared. I just knew that if my parents or Hoseok knew what I was doing right now, they would be unhappy with me. It's a good thing they lived somewhere else and were asleep right now. That meant I could game until four in the morning like I loved to do so much. I was back with my gaming buddies, eyes glued to the screen.

We were currently split into teams. The game was simply enough with a red and blue team. I was in the blue team currently trying to capture as many flags as possible. It wasn't the main goal of the game, but it did come with benefits. Besides the other blue members were handling the whole killing red team people as many times as possible. I figured I would go ahead and join them on that once I gets as many items as I can. They were all over the map which looked like an abandoned town. Buildings were torn apart with multiple military jets and jeeps around as the base. They still had a bunch of time on the clock to mess around.

Some were taking it more seriously than others. I was originally being competitive for the first few hours. Now I was sort of doing my own thing. That's what usually happened as it got later into the night. Or technically later in the morning? I wasn't exactly sure, but it was currently two in the morning. I was being good with drinking less soda and chips. I didn't want to have a mess lying around that I would be too lazy to clean up. Thanks to that though I had less energy and was having a hard time keeping my eyes opened as I moved around in the open world.

"Where is Nochu?" Twisted asked. That was his username and he was on the red team.

"Why do you need to know?" Noble scoffed, a member on the blue team with me.

"He hasn't been doing sh*t," Dragon80 pointed out. I only chuckled, moving into a jeep and driving in the direction of the red base. I guess I'll give them a visit if they miss me so much.

"You're laughing. What are you up to, you little sh*t?" Twisted question.

"None of your f*cking business." I could see Twisted's username hanging above his character. He was trying to walk in between the jets at his base. Luckily he didn't see me coming at all as I slowed down the jeep. Getting out of the vehicle, I took out a grenade from my inventory. What an idiot. Smirking to myself, I aimed straight at Twisted as I released the grenade. The next thing I hear is the explosive going off in my headphones along with Twisted cussing and yelling like no tomorrow. My laughing got louder along with Noble's.

"Twisted, did you just blow up?" Noble teased.

"F*ck you, Nochu." Twisted sighed.

"You were wondering where I was." I grinned.

"I'll find the kid and get a headshot," Dragon80 claimed. Noble and I only laughed even more at his words. That automatically pissed him off which was to be expected. He had the worst temper of everyone in the group. He's broken his own equipment just from how mad he's gotten. Twisted was definitely a second behind though. He mentioned punching a wall in the past which I thought was a bit much. Noble didn't really explode, but he more let his frustration build over time and then he would be in a bad mood. I only got frustrated at the game though it was never too bad.

They were all way older than me. Noble was the closest in age, but he was also thirty-two. That was almost a ten-year difference between us. Then Twisted is thirty-seven and Dragon80 turned forty this year. They gave me a lot of sh*t for being the youngest at twenty-three though I dished it back. Seriously, they make it too easy with how old all of them are. I don't really know their real names nor what they really look like. They have described themselves a bit in the past though I had a feeling they were lying. Dragon80 said he was over six feet and had a strong figure, but he also told us that he didn't serve active duty in the military because of his weight. The amount of times I have heard him munch and burp into my ears is way too many to count.

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