Boyfriend & Girlfriend

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Prom Bonus

Prom. Probably one of the most hyped up events during high school. Now that Yejun and his friends were seniors, they were able to go. Were any of them excited to go? Not really. They didn't even have to yet it got Yejun thinking as he stared at the promotional prom posters. They were plastered everywhere in the hallways. The school really didn't want anyone to forget to buy prom tickets as Yejun heard a voice remind everyone over the loud broken speakers. Prom. The biggest and most expensive dance of the year. He figured staying at home playing videogames would be more fun, but he always did that. This could be his one excuse to leave the house besides school and sports. Plus, he could always ask out Jaehee to prom...

Yejun bit his lip, suddenly feeling nervous as he stared at the poster. He was nervous about prom. That's what he was nervous about! Yejun was nervous about asking his parents to help him pay for prom tickets and a suit. Nothing else. Thinking about asking Jaehee definitely didn't make him sweat. A flutter didn't strike his body at the thought of Jaehee in a dress. That's stupid. He doesn't care about her...that's not true. Whatever. Yejun felt blood rush up to his cheeks, coughing to himself. Going to prom with his friends was just an idea. It wasn't anything deep to begin with.

"What are you looking at?" Jimin's voice caused Yejun to jump. His best friend had appeared out of nowhere, leaving Yejun clutching his chest.

"Dude!" Yejun scrunched his face.

"Oops." Jimin smiled.

"Prom?" Jaehee's voice caused Yejun to straighten his posture. He quickly tried to act natural, turning to face her with Jimin.

"Yeah, prom!" Yejun smiled. "I was thinking about going. What about you guys?"

"I'd like to." Jimin nodded. That left Jaehee who stood with her arms crossed. Her eyes inspected the poster that had way too much glitter in her opinion. Yejun stared at her with a hopeful gaze that Jimin noticed.

"Ew." Jaehee snorted.

"Ew?" Yejun scoffed.

"Yeah, ew! Prom is lame and so overrated." Jaehee rolled her eyes.

"Oh, shut up. At least try to be original with your excuse," Yejun remarked. Jimin sighed heavily, knowing what was going to happen now. The moment Yejun said that, Jaehee was glaring at him in disbelief.

"It's overpriced!" Jaehee stomped her foot.

"Once in a lifetime!" Yejun retorted.

"I don't wanna go!" Jaehee huffed.

"You're going!" Yejun shouted before it became quiet. Jaehee her furrowed brows at Yejun, confused at to why he was being so stubborn and dead set on making her go. Yejun grumbled under his breath, walking off to his class. He didn't bother looking back at either of his friends who stayed planted where they were. Jimin looked at Jaehee, his lips pursing at how dense both of his friends were. Jaehee was left staring at Jimin, frustrated.

"What's his deal?" Jaehee kicked the ground.

"Maybe he wants you to go to prom with him?" Jimin offered the idea. She stared back at him in surprise, making Jimin want to smack his face with his own hand. Why were his two friends like this? "Why are you so shocked? You two are dating!"

"We're not dating! Ew! Why would I ever want to date Yejun? That's so...gross..." Jaehee shifted on her feet. She was clearly lying straight through her teeth.

"Fine, you guys just like putting your hands down each other's pants—" Jimin rolled his eyes only for Jaehee to slap her hand onto his mouth. Jaehee looked around, paranoid others may have heard him except they weren't in a crowded hallway to begin with. Jimin gave Jaehee an expression that read really? Slowly, she removed her hand with a blush strong on her cheeks.

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