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You couldn't remember your dream. It hadn't made any sense to begin with. A lot of it was happening too fast and naturally yet none of it was clear. By the time you woke up, you forgot all the details. It was irritating to be woken up on the weekend. It was around seven in the morning as your eyes glanced at the clock. It's not like you woke up at this time by choice. Luckily it wasn't Yejun who had run into your room and jumped onto your bed. The culprit in waking you up was the constant buzzing of your phone. The annoying little object sat on the corner of your nightstand. Your head happened to be close, hearing the buzzes loud enough to stir and wake up.

Who would be calling you at seven in the morning? It sure as hell wasn't work. If it was, you were going to be pissed off since weekends are your guaranteed days off. It had to be a wrong number or a scam call. Yawning, you shoved your face in your pillow as you slapped your hand on your phone. Slowly you turned on your back and brought your phone over to check the screen. Your eyes weren't fully open when you read your sister's name. Jaehwa? What was she calling you so early about? You answered the call without a second thought, pushing yourself up into a sitting position.

"Unnie?" Your voice tired.

"(F/n), sorry for waking you up, but..." Jaehwa's voice was serious. Any urge to continue sleeping left you the moment she trailed off. It left you uneasy, brows furrowing.

"What? What's going on?" You pushed your blankets off your legs.

"Eomma fell off a ladder," Jaehwa stated as your eyes widened. "She was trying to restock something on a high shelf at the store and she fell."

"How is she? Is she okay?" You were out of bed. You felt tempted to yell your questions but kept your volume low as hard as it was. Yejun was sleeping and the last thing you wanted to do was worry him. It was better to stay calm anyway. It was almost impossible with how scattered you felt.

"She's okay. She was unconscious for a little while, but she's back now," Jaehwa said. "One side of her is really bruised though so she shouldn't work for a few days. I'll take care of her since I live closer, but I figured you should know—"

"—I'm going over there," You interrupted. Jaehwa stopped talking at your sudden words. You were already changing out of your pajamas. It was good that Jaehwa was volunteering to keep an eye on your Mom, but you needed to see her too. You knew what she was like. She wouldn't want to stay still and insist that she would be fine to return to work. It's not that she was purposefully pretending to be strong. If anything, Mom was just a workaholic who didn't know how to relax. She hated sitting down and doing nothing. She's been so used to working for so long that you wonder if she's forgotten what it's like to have free time. She didn't need to work so hard now that her two children were independent. Both Jaehwa and you insisted she look into retirement only for her to scoff.

"Eomma is not going to be happy you dropped everything for her." Jaehwa sighed, knowing already that she wouldn't be able to stop you.

"I wouldn't have to do this if I knew she would listen to just you." You grabbed your purse, making sure you had everything in it. They lived a bit faraway, but you could get there by the afternoon. That meant you would have to probably stay the night. Biting your lip, you clutched your keys tightly in thought. Taehyung was out of the question. He would be performing the second night of his show. While he may have been a close option, he wasn't available to ask. Your mind could only think of Jungkook.

"Are you bringing Yejun?" Jaehwa asked.

"No, it's too early...I don't want to scare him either." You sighed. "I'll have to call Jungkook to see if he can watch Yejun for the night."

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