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Jungkook's P.O.V.


To be fair, I knew it would get to this point. I even told myself that I needed to call my parents. There was a reminder on my calendar and everything! But yeah, that sort of slipped under the radar anyway. Even though reminders of my past made me want to talk to them again and see them...that didn't end up happening. I think the worst part is what's been happening now that I haven't called my parents for a solid month. My Mom in particular was where the true disaster was. If I didn't call her at least once to prove to her I was alive then she lost it.

She used to want calls from me every single day, but I kept forgetting and I wanted my independence. So we switched it to every week. Then every two weeks to now once a month out of my pure laziness. It upset my Mom a lot with how much she worried about me. She was constantly worried when it came to me and receiving radio silence. While it was annoying, I knew I sort of brought that upon myself based off my extreme decision at twelve years old. Mom doesn't really see me as adult all the time and I know Dad agrees with her on that. They were constantly on my case for whatever reason.

Mom needing proof I was alive and Dad needing to know I was managing life on my own well. It always got on the topic of money with Dad though so I didn't call him. Our calls were tough to go through. After all these years, things were still awkward and stiff. Dad didn't like bringing up the past or talking about it at all. That was understandable, but I felt like that was all he could think about when he looked at me. Mom and I talked the most often despite it not being as frequent as she would wish. Whether she would be successful with a sudden call, surprise visits, or planned calls. She would also send messages from Dad to me and tell him messages I have for him.

That's when communication goes well. This month has been pretty hectic though. From visiting Sunshine in a Cup almost daily, practicing code and working on personal projects, babysitting Yejun, trying to charm (F/n), keeping an eye on my rivals...my schedule has been packed! How could I have known that I would have missed three calls from my Mom? That was bad. But then I went to sleep and woke up to find out I now had ten missed calls from her. This is where it gets worse because now it made me anxious to know how she was reacting. Was she mad? Because of that, I avoided her next couple calls. Though calling it just a couple was a huge understatement. My phone hasn't stopped buzzing since the morning.

"D*mn, that's the hundredth call..." I stared at the screen that now notified me the three-digit number. Now I know this looks really bad and it is! I promise I'm a good son! I'm just...anxious. That's a bad excuse, I know it. F*ck. I told myself I would try to stop giving myself excuses since it wasn't really the time to do that. My phone started ringing once more, making me take a deep breath in. The only difference this time was that it was my Dad calling me. Brows jumping at this, I grabbed my phone and answered the call. "Hello?"

"Jeon Jungkook." His tone already scaring the sh*t out of me.

Haha, nope.

I proceeded to hang up and throw my phone on my bed. Crap, that's not the right thing to do!

Cussing under my breath, I walked over to my bed to hear my phone already ringing again. Just think on the positive side! There's no way my parents would kill me because they love me. They just might...scream at me a little. That had me scrunching my face in misery already. I don't wanna be yelled at! Squirming in front of my bed, I was contemplating what would be the best thing to do. Ignoring one hundred calls from my Mom was messed up. That was something I could admit. Ignoring one call from my father was not something I ever wanted to do if I wanted to keep living on my own. Grabbing my phone, I sighed as I answered it a second time.

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