Living Flashbacks

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Jungkook's P.O.V.


Why am I here? Why am I here? Oh God, don't be too uncomfortable. They'll notice. Gosh, why am I so obvious? My hands were already sweating when I entered Hoseok's car. He picked me up and unfortunately Seokjin was already in the backseat. Apparently Seokjin managed to figure out where Hoseok lived and made a scene until Hoseok gave in and allowed Seokjin to come along. Seokjin called finding Hoseok pure coincidence. Hoseok says he has proof that Seokjin followed him home last night just to be ready to crash tonight.

While seeing Seokjin was a surprise, it also wasn't. Hearing the extent that Seokjin went to so he could come along was somehow fitting. Hoseok wanted to make it clear that the three of us were not a 'trio' and that we weren't friends with him. Even though we hung out together one time, it didn't mean anything. He would ditch us for a girl anyway. What kind of bro does that? He clearly wasn't a real one. Seokjin was stubborn though. He insisted he was a part of our friend group and that we were all super close. He had a lot of audacity telling us that he wouldn't leave us a for a girl tonight. To be honest, I wish he would.

That would make arriving to the bar a lot more tolerable. Here was the much as I hate to admit it, Seokjin is a handsome guy. Handsome to the point where girls ignore all his very obvious flaws. It doesn't help that Hoseok hyung dressed nice today and I put a little effort into my look tonight too. The three of us go strolling inside the bar, immediately catching the attention of a bachelorette party. Seokjin wanted so badly to go talk to them yet he promised to stay by our side. He wasn't even paying attention as he eyed them. He was nearly drooling as the group of girls giggled and motioned him to come over. They were also trying to catch Hoseok's attention as well as mine. I'm good.

"Total babes. All of them." Seokjin sucked in his breath.

"He just might bust a nut right next to me, holy f*ck." Hoseok looked panicked.

"Especially that one with the gold sash around her. She just stands out the most." Seokjin licked his lips.

"Maybe because she's the bride to be and meant to stand out." Hoseok was impatient for his drink.

"Ah, her sash does say 'bride', huh?" Seokjin pursed his lips in thought.

"...please don't approach the bride," I begged. What use were my words? The lunatic was going to do as he pleases anyway.

"I want to talk...but no. I'm here with you guys! It's a guys night!" Seokjin turned around, swallowing hard. It must have been the hardest thing he ever had to do in his entire life.

I couldn't even be impressed with his self-control. Who knows how long it would last? Seokjin already looked constipated trying to ignore the existence of women. While Seokjin was doing his best to refrain from his man whore tendencies, Hoseok was drinking his second beer. He wasn't downing them as much as he wanted to. Hoseok was probably going to make that his last one and then wait to sober up. I don't know why though. If he wanted to get drunk then he could. I could always drive us back.

There was no doubt in my mind that Hoseok was holding back because he still felt the need to take care of me. That was silly. Why come here then? It's not like I drink alcohol. It tastes horrible and I'm not a fan of dealing with hangovers. People liked to drink until they blacked out here which wasn't my style. I don't even drink coffee! Maybe that's why Hoseok takes care of me when he doesn't have to. I'm like a baby to him. Well, I can take care of myself just fine. He should enjoy himself and so should Seokjin. I know they came here to hang out with me, but I don't know.

"Hyung..." I tugged on Hoseok's sweater. He stopped looking at his drink to turn his head towards me. He could already tell something was wrong.

"What's wrong, Jungkookie?" Hoseok frowned.

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