Needed to Hear

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It's been a week since you've talked to Haneul about her boyfriend. That conversation must have definitely been a hard one to have, but it was necessary. You could already see how much happier she was after getting it off her chest. She even took action to chase after her own happiness. Meaning she told her boyfriend she wanted to break things off. Haneul told you she was too scared to do it in person so she just texted him. From the sounds of it, he was bitter but dropped it. That meant there was time for celebrating! You bought Haneul a cupcake to celebrate her single life.

It was sad of course in the sense that her first ever relationship came to an end. She had been with him for so long that you're sure she was hoping for a future with him. He just wasn't the one though and that was okay. Sometimes people you like aren't the right fit. Whether they were toxic in his case or there was no true love like with case of Yejun's father. This was for the better in the end. At least Haneul believed you when you said that. She could always date anyone else or settle on focusing on herself which she liked the idea of more. She's been so used to being his girlfriend that all she wanted now was a break to be herself. Good for her.

Even if that meant Haneul putting in her two weeks' notice. She was leaving the company warehouse soon. It hurt a lot when she told you. While you knew this day would eventually happen, you didn't think it would be so soon. She was leaving? Haneul was somber about the news as well, but there was a reason she was doing so. She applied to the college she wanted to go to that was far away and received earl acceptance. Apparently she had secretly applied some time ago hoping if she got in that she could convince her boyfriend. The situation was different now though. No one was holding her back. She was quitting, soon going to college, and moving out of town.

What this all meant was that you were going to appreciate every single workday you had left with Haneul. She had another week left after this, but that didn't mean you couldn't make the most of every day with her. Haneul was grateful for all the things you did. It was her first work experience so you would hope that she would leave this place with good memories. That she wouldn't be afraid to find another job. Things may have not always been pleasant, but it was possible. She could do it.

"What's this?" Haneul questioned as you turned in your seat. She had a big smile on her face, reaching out towards the package of store-bought cookies.

"A little something for you." You chuckled. "I hope you like them."

"I do! I just...I'll get cavities with how much sugar you give me, Unnie." Haneul giggled softly.

She was the sweetest girl so buying a few cookies was nothing. Haneul quickly took one before shutting the package and putting it on an open table next to your desk. That was only so it wouldn't get in the way with the rest of work. Haneul has grown a lot more comfortable here at work. She no longer looked lost when entering work. She knew exactly what she needed to do and if she finished up work, she wouldn't spend five minutes trying to muster up the courage to ask you what else she could do. The change was very touching to see from her.

Haneul would probably never know how proud of her were you. There never seemed to be the right moment to tell her. To suddenly make the mood so serious felt unnatural. If you mentioned it early then it would sound like you were saying goodbye to her. For now you would just give her some cookies and get a few giggles out of her. Work was still flowing as normal. The production line was given over five hundred labels to complete while Haneul was given a few personal orders. While she worked on those, you were working on filling out papers for a large international order. They wanted three full pallets sent to Japan so that's what you were responsible for.

"This weekend my family and I are going to visit the campus to tour it. The semester still doesn't start until the next month, but I wanted to be prepared," Haneul explained as you signed your name on the paper.

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