One Sided Click

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There's nothing more terrifying than waking up to a text that essentially says 'we need to talk'. That's what Jungkook woke up to. He woke up around one in the afternoon feeling like sh*t. He drank way too much soda last night while gaming. It also didn't help that his sleep schedule was a complete mess. He was gaming until four in the morning. That's when he had to shut off his game and black out on his bed. He nearly didn't make it to his mattress. Exhaustion hit him like a brick as he laid on his bed with all his limbs spread. The sheets were falling off with his bare mattress peeking out and a pile of dirty laundry causing Jungkook to sleep in a less than comfortable position. This was just how he lived which he knew would make Hoseok cry. Not that Hoseok ever wanted to come over, knowing just how much of a slob his best friend truly was.

Drool was dry on Jungkook's chin as his alarm woke him up. He had one set up since he was planning to game until the morning once again. His schedule was awful to any outsider, but he was proud he had a schedule to begin with. This was him living efficiently! Well, as efficiently as he can get. Nothing he did was truly seen as desirable. He got more than enough lectures from his parents anytime they visited and Hoseok gave out scolds like candy. The man was just trying to live his best life.

He was living more foolishly than anything. He just refused to see it as he slapped his hand on his nightstand. The ringing of his alarm caused him to groan, shifting on his bed as his fingers knocked down empty soda cans and loose change. The black haired male swore under his breath for the mess he was making. He forced his eyes open to find his phone and shut off the alarm. Stupid thing. He sighed heavily, tempted to go back to sleep until he saw the message you left for him. You wanted to talk to him and meet up. This couldn't be good. Suddenly, Jungkook didn't feel so sleepy anymore.

"Oh no." Jungkook sat up, shoving a hand in his tangled hair with a light layer of grease already forming. "No, no, no, no!" He jumped off his bed in panic. Jungkook had no idea what he was doing as he just followed his body's nervous reaction. He almost slipped on his boxers that were on the floor and stumbled into his kitchen. Right away, he bumped into his kitchen counter to come face to face with a brown molding banana. "Agh! Gross!" Jungkook stepped away, recoiling in horror.

He really lived like this?

Jungkook sniffed the air, frowning as he hesitantly lifted up his own arm. He brought his head closer to his armpit and instantly scrunched his nose up. Did he really sweat that much during his sleep? He put his arm down, looking around his dark studio apartment. The entire place was a huge mess though he never thought anything of it before. Now it was kinda embarrassing. Mainly the molding banana. That was too much. Everything else he could work with. He just didn't have time to deal with it all. Maybe when his mom visits then she can handle all this for him. She usually does that even though she does nag at him the entire time while doing it.

"Jesus, I need to get dressed." Jungkook stared down at his naked form. He was about to head towards his limited clean clothes when he remembered the sweat on his body. Right. Shower!

A frustrated sigh left his lips at the hassle. He grabbed the clothes he needed, rushing to take the shower he desperately needed. Jungkook took a quick shower, but he made sure to wash all the sweat and grease off him. If he was going to be meeting up with you then he didn't want you seeing him like a slob. He really wasn't! He was just...Jungkook felt his ears heating up as he made excuses inside his head. He didn't mind the way he lived though he knew his ex-girlfriend did b*tch a lot about his habits. She was as bothersome as a mother. She wanted him to clean up his place on his own, stop eating takeout all the time, and for him to dress nicer. She wanted him to change so much and for what? Just to please her? Jungkook rolled his eyes at the memories of her. He didn't want to be left in a sour mood though. If she can't love him for him then her loss. That's what his gamer friends always told him.

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