Best Hugs

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Hoseok kept pacing around the front of his coffee shop with a duster in his hands. He was trying to play it off as if he cared about the dust or even cleaning the windows. Anything to make it look like he was being attentive to his shop in front of any in coming customers. They would order their drinks and leave.

Some women would stick around to eye Seokjin which was a nuisance, but Seokjin was able to make them buy more. That was the only bonus that came with having Seokjin working here. Otherwise, he was a nuisance as well.

He was only being honest too. Hoseok didn't want to bother sugar coating anything around Seokjin. For the most part, Hoseok liked pretending as if the older didn't even exist. It helped him maintain his sanity even if he had to convince himself it was a ghost ringing up people's orders. Aside from the lunatic working in his shop, Hoseok was becoming impatient. How many more times would he have to pretend to dust the corner before Jungkook came in? He was going to lose his mind at this rate. He couldn't ignore Seokjin's voice pestering him to know what he was doing much longer.

Jungkook had promised to visit the coffee shop today. He always comes into the coffee shop. That freeloader has nothing to do! Where was he? Hoseok felt his eye twitching as he paced around the front once more. Jungkook's black car wasn't anywhere in sight. He peered out the window to check every car in the parking lot. Not even the cars passing by belonged to the cute idiot. Hoseok hated to admit that he was getting worried about the lovable dummy. The moment Hoseok sees him he'll have to slap and hug him. That is...if Jungkook is still alive.

"Oh don't think...?" Hoseok froze.

"So you're finally talking back to me?" Seokjin scoffed. Hoseok chose to ignore his useless words, continuing with his concerned thoughts.

"What if Jungkook finally died in his own filth?" Hoseok gasped, bringing his hands to his mouth.

"About time. Maybe the cockroaches are swarming him." Seokjin snickered before screaming when a duster nearly hit his face. He managed to dodge just in time as the duster hit the wall behind him. "Yah! What was that for!?"

"I will kill you and leave you for the roaches if you say that sh*t again!" Hoseok glared. The threat was more than enough to make Seokjin swallow hard. While Hoseok was more reserved these days with his affection and love, it was obvious that he cared a lot for the maknae. Seokjin probably should have thought out that sentence a little more.

"Er, sorry, Boss..." Seokjin coughed, hoping he wasn't sweating from his near death experience. "I'm sure Kookie is just running a little late."

" think so?" Hoseok bit his lip. His hands curled into tight fists when he finally saw the familiar black vehicle entering the parking a lot. A large sigh of relief left Hoseok before he was bubbling with irritation. What took this kid so long? Hoseok rushed to get behind the counter, already working to make Jungkook his favorite caramel frappuccino with extra caramel. Seokjin watched quietly as Jungkook got out of his car. Seokjin knew who the drink was for. All he did was shake his head to himself just as Jungkook made it inside.

The young male was out of it this morning. He almost dropped his phone and keys entering the coffee shop. Only because he was in the middle of yawning too. He's been yawning the entire drive over to Sunshine in a Cup. That was actually pretty dangerous, but at least he managed to make it here alive. He didn't fall asleep at the wheel so that was good. Still, his exhausted form was evident to his two hyungs. They eyed him as he walked over to the counter, taking a seat on his usual stool with his eyes half closed. It looked like any time Jungkook blinked his eyes shut that he wouldn't open them again with how long it took him to do so. He was trying to convince himself to be awake and it wasn't really working.

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