For Him

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(A/n: Fanart done by gothnutella [instagram:]. He's super talented and killing it with digital art! Thank you so much for drawing Hobi <3)


"So he finally decides to show up!" Seokjin announced to the empty coffee shop. He brought his hands above his head, clapping dramatically the moment Jungkook entered the shop. He barely got a foot inside only for Seokjin to start being a piece of sh*t.

Though in actuality, Seokjin had been waiting for Jungkook to enter the coffee shop. He had the eyes of a hawk that noticed Jungkook's car coming into the parking lot. Right away Seokjin started preparing what to say to Jungkook. It had to be intimidating and super cool. Something that would make Jungkook bow down to him! Seokjin was ready for that except Jungkook had spent a good amount of time staying in his car. He was looking down at his phone for who knows how many minutes. It was driving Seokjin crazy as he served customers. He badly wanted to run out and start throwing things at Jungkook's car, but the last time Seokjin did that to someone he got arrested. That and he knew Hoseok would fire him if he harmed a single hair on Jungkook's head.

Because of that Seokjin had to settle for keeping his frustration verbal. He liked Jungkook, he really did. The kid was good. Seokjin just couldn't help himself from enjoying Jungkook's reactions. The maknae literally lost it every time. Then to be fair sometimes Jungkook pushed Seokjin far enough to make him lose his own mind. It wasn't an exaggeration to say that Seokjin wasn't stable. He was a walking disaster as Hoseok had so bitterly put it. Seokjin may be a walking disaster but both Hoseok and Jungkook put up with him constantly so was it really that bad?

"Wait no! Come back in here!" Seokjin smacked the counter. As soon as Jungkook had stepped in, he decided he no longer wanted to exist in Sunshine in a Cup. He was ready to just leave, but Seokjin was begging. Not really. It was more threatening than anything else. Jungkook also really needed to talk to Hoseok hyung.

"Fine, but you seriously need to shut the hell up." Jungkook glared at him.

"Did you forget who's the older one in this situation?" Seokjin crossed his arms. Jungkook walked over to the counter, grabbing a sugar packet and throwing it in the elder's face. "AH."

"HA HA." Jungkook mocked. Seokjin growled, bringing his hands up near Jungkook's face.

"You little—"

"Hurt him and you're dead." Hoseok's glare was burning holes through Seokjin's body. He didn't even need to see his boss to feel fear.

"—sweet precious baby~!" Seokjin suddenly cooed, cupping Jungkook's face affectionately although that was questionable. He was gentle when squishing Jungkook's face. It wasn't a pleasant feeling still. Jungkook wanted to bite Seokjin's hand but could only move his lips like a fish. "Aigoo~!"

"Hyung," Jungkook's muffled voice reached Hoseok's ears. Hoseok walked over with a small smile on his face, tiredly pushing Seokjin away so he would let go of his dongsaeng.

"I'm here now. What do you need?" Hoseok asked just as Jungkook held out a honey gold debit card to him.

"Caramel Frappuccino with extra caramel." Jungkook smiled smugly.

The two laughed together, confusing Seokjin. It was a moment that felt really good to Jungkook. He had money in his bank. Money that he wasn't wasting all over the place like he used to. Now that he's going to practice cooking too, he knew he was going to be spending even less. The amount of money he saw in his bank was the most he's seen in his entire life. He was saving up and being careful with his money like his father and Hoseok had hoped. It took a while to get here, but Hoseok was proud to see how far Jungkook had come along.

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