Takes One to Know One

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Jungkook seriously went all out when it came to preparing for this dinner. He made sure to shave his face before entering the shower, making sure he got rid of any stubble he bothered to let grow. Not that he was really great a growing facial hair anyway. It would always come out patchy so he could never have a proper beard as cool as it sounded. Hoseok was able to grow out a decent beard if he wanted to. The coward refused to do so though. He preferred having baby soft skin which was reasonable, but Jungkook also wanted to see his hyung rocking a beard at least once in his life.

Unfortunately there were no beards for anyone. Jungkook cleaned his face, luckily without cutting himself by accident for once. The amount of times that has happened were too many to count. After shaving was when he entered the shower. Jungkook knew it was deep cleaning time. The only problem with that was that he couldn't be in the shower for more than thirty minutes. The water bill would run way too high. What that essentially meant was that he needed to be smart when to run the water and he needed to work fast. He couldn't let himself get distracted in the slightest. Mission get ready for dinner with the Do family was set!

Washing his hair was the first thing on the list. He needed to get that over with right away with shampoo and conditioner. Sure, he owned a two in one bottle out of pure laziness but good enough. It saved money! Next thing for him to do was to scrub his body with soap and use the shower gel he never used. Jungkook was going to look amazing for this dinner. The idea alone had him excited. What would you say? Would Yejun be impressed with how much he cleaned up? Jungkook hurried in the shower and finished up just when the timer on his phone rang. Thirty minutes over! That didn't mean he was done yet though. He was far from over.

While women may shave and put on makeup, Jungkook had some grooming of his own to do. He's already shaved so the next thing to do was wash his face. His mother bought him some face thing a while ago. He didn't really use it regularly and maybe using it for tonight had no effect, but he liked to believe he was doing everything possible to look his best. He even moisturized. Moisturized. The lengths he was going to was insane. He hardly ever does any of the things he was doing tonight for the dinner. The lotion actually being used to make his skin healthier rather than...other activities? Unheard of.

Hoseok would be proud to see the way Jungkook pulled himself together for this dinner. A buttoned up shirt, nice pants, and nice shoes that weren't caked in mud. For once Jungkook looked put together as a human being. He wasn't a fan of the outfit in all honesty. He'd much rather dress more comfortably, but he knew he wouldn't be doing himself any favors wearing a sweatshirt covered in mysterious stains and reeking major B.O. If anyone produced the most horrid body odor, Jungkook figured he would win the contest. The man could seriously sweat like no tomorrow. Going to the gym was always when he got the grossest with sweat. Just thinking about it made him laugh.

"Why hello there, (F/n). Fancy meeting you here...in your own home," Jungkook spoke to the mirror. A little role play wouldn't hurt. He barely started and it was very clear he needed practice. Jungkook combed his hair before placing it on the counter. His hand went over to reach for the breath spray he had recently boughten. "I love your cooking..." Jungkook almost pursed his lips. Why does he sound so awkward? Keep calm. Act natural. He's got this! Jungkook opened his mouth, not paying attention where he had the spray aimed. "Hold on a second—AGH! OH MY GOD!" Jungkook gagged, bending over the sink.

That was not smooth whatsoever.

Maybe he should check where he's pointing that spray in the first place. He scrunched his face up, staring at his pathetic reflection. Instead of spraying directly into his mouth, Jungkook got half of it inside and the rest on his cheek. Now the side of his face was feeling minty and slightly on fire. That's fine. It'll go away...eventually. Jungkook shivered, also not a fan of the taste the spray left in his mouth. It was way stronger than he thought it would be. That thing should come with a warning. Note to self, probably don't use the breath spray again. It tastes nasty anyway.

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