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Work today has been interesting. The sole reason being because today was the first day that Taehyung has rehearsal after school. Meaning that he can't pick up Yejun and take care of him. Which meant Jungkook would be responsible of doing so. He would pick up Yejun, take him back home, and make sure your son was well taken care of until you finish work. He's got this. He's totally fine. You were only the teeniest bit paranoid that something would go wrong. Jungkook has proven himself to have gotten better with Yejun. Then with your extensive training for taking care of Yejun, you hoped that all would be well by the time you arrive home.

That's what your day has been like. A lot of you sitting on edge, but you actually think you've been doing okay. A lot better than when Yejun was still a baby. You were a lot more put together since then. Handling situations like this has gotten easier though honestly, you wished the stress of it wouldn't have to happen. But you're happy for Taehyung. He's going to be the best Phantom the stage has ever seen! While he shares his talent among his peers, Jungkook is getting closer to Yejun. It would be interesting to see how that plays out. Not only was Jungkook getting closer to you as a person, but also to your son. That was still kind of crazy to you.

You were letting someone in. It's not like Jungkook was suddenly learning all about your secrets and inner thoughts, but he's gotten one step closer. That alone meant something. It's been a long time since you've gotten close to anyone. The last time you allowed yourself to have a friend and enjoy life...well, that was five years ago. Ever since then, you've had your walls up pretty high. It wasn't until recently and with a push from your sister that you began trying to think about your own personal wants again. Sort of. Wanting a man who could be there for you and Yejun was a mix of a lot of things. It didn't work out with Jungkook or at least not in the way you had intended.

The two of you may not be seeing each other romantically anymore. That was a thing of the past now. Jungkook did however continue to prove how sweet and thoughtful he is. He offered to be your friend. Now you could happily call him one and you didn't have a doubt in your mind that Jungkook would be staying in Yejun's life. He'll be a good male role model. Jungkook may get married later on and have kids of his own, but you were pretty confident that the two of you would remain friends. He would stay in your life somehow.

"What are you smiling about?" Haneul's voice greeted your ears. Her tone came off as teasing causing you to spin in your seat immediately. You gave her a little smirk, amused by her boldness. "Do you have a boyfriend?"

"Nope. No boyfriend." You crossed your arms, leaning back in your seat. "But you do."


That's all it really took to make Haneul start blushing. Her face now looked like a tomato. She would never get used to you knowing about her love life. Things seemed to be going well for them by the sound of it. Haneul wasn't really the type to show off photos of her boyfriend or randomly start talking about her personal life in general. That usually had to come out with some poking around. She answered any questions you had about her even if she looked embarrassed. In the end, you never made her feel uncomfortable. She always smiled and giggled, looking ecstatic to have someone to be free with at work. It was a nice change to see in her for sure.

"How are things going with your guy?" You asked.

"Good." She fanned herself. "H-He's actually picking me up today!"

"Right, you're leaving early." You sighed to look back at your computer screen. You remembered reading that in the email this morning. Plus, Haneul told you herself that she had a dentist appointment to go to. Turns out its her man bringing her to said dentist appointment. That will be interesting considering this gives you a chance to see him.

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