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Jungkook decided to go to Hoseok's coffee shop first thing in the morning. It wasn't something he did often since he preferred going in the afternoon. Normally Jungkook would be asleep around this time. That's why the coffee was desperately needed and Jungkook enjoyed supporting his friend's business like this. All he needs is some sort of coffee that he hates the taste of and then he'll be ready to work hard on the project he's been given. He seriously needed to get more progress on that. The money would be used to help pay his rent. That and to get his parents off his back about money which they always seem to complain about. He's got this! Can't they just relax?

The only reason they acted this way was because of the few times he's asked them for help. Those few times were enough to make his parents not trust him. They didn't think he was capable of living on his own, but there's no way Jungkook would ever move back in with them. He's an adult! He deserves his own place! Jungkook can admit that in the past he didn't work as hard as he should have. He didn't search for enough projects and was paid less than he should have been, but he was going to do better. This project he was introduced to thanks to an old college friend would be paying his whole rent. It's beautiful. Hence the need for disgusting coffee to support his friend.

Coffee wasn't that good. Jungkook hated the bitter taste to it, he didn't even like adding creamer or sugar to it. What Jungkook did like to drink when he needed to pick himself up were energy drinks or soda. Those certainly tasted a lot better than coffee. That's also why there were so many empty cans littering the floor of his cramped apartment. He meant to clean up except this project is priority. It's alright anyway. The mess didn't really bother him nor did it distract him from his job. The only time he felt self-conscious about it was when you almost visited him there to meet Yejun for the first time. Thank god for his quick thinking. He saved himself a lot of embarrassment.

That would have been a real nightmare. If Jungkook hopes to eventually try something with you in the future again then he shouldn't give you any reasons to say no. Jungkook shut off his car as he arrived in front of the small coffee shop. He whistled a random tune to himself. He was in a relatively good mood this morning despite how tired he was. This time he only played video games until one in the morning with his gamer friends. That was immense self-control on his part since his sessions tend to go to four am almost religiously. His sleep schedule was crap. That was just saying it how it is.

"The best person in existence has arrived!" Jungkook announced himself as he entered the coffee shop. Hoseok looked at him straight away with an irritated expression. It was different from the usual irritation though. This one didn't get Jungkook to scoff or call out his friend for the rude behavior. All it did was get Jungkook to shut his mouth, wondering why the mood was so serious. Jungkook carefully walked over to his hyung to take a seat. That's when Hoseok subtly nudged his head in Seokjin's direction.

It was the first time that Jungkook had ever seen Seokjin looking anything than smug. For some reason the sight was depressing. Seokjin was depressing. Hoseok and Jungkook watched the male sighing heavily, his shoulders hanging down with his head unable to lift itself up. Everything about Seokjin's current aura read miserable. The day had barely started so what the hell was going on with him? Jungkook no longer felt the need for coffee now. Seokjin's current attitude change was enough to snap him awake. He could always just get an energy drink anyway. Hoseok knew Jungkook hated coffee so making him one was kind pointless aside from the monetary support.

Eventually Hoseok went back to focusing on his own work. He wasn't going to keep stealing glances at Seokjin's gloomy form. What Hoseok was trying to do was respect Seokjin's privacy. He's sure the last thing Seokjin wanted was to be stared at like some kind of zoo animal. Jungkook on the other hand was not taking the same approach. His staring was becoming more noticeable as he narrowed his eyes on the elder. Why was Seokjin acting like that? This was such an extreme change that it didn't sit well with the younger. The two of them weren't really that close, but if Seokjin can pry his nose into Jungkook's business then Jungkook can do the same with him. Logic!

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