Promise to Try

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The urge to get home was stronger than ever. Your baby finished his first day of kindergarten. It was painful for you at work counting down the hours. How many hours until Yejun finished his first day? Taehyung is probably picking him up, they should have arrived home by now, and things like that. You felt crazy keeping tabs like that. Especially since Taehyung was already texting you updates. He got Yejun and brought him back home safely. You could always count on Taehyung to be the best babysitter. How well he handles the amount of responsibility he has impresses you a lot. His mother is surely proud of him. Without a doubt, you knew he would do well once he graduates high school.

At least knowing Yejun was home safe was keeping you sane. Still, it was noticeable to Haneul that you were losing it. The layer of professionalism you attempted to keep up was cracking. Walls had been lowered the minute you revealed Yejun to her. She didn't mind you worrying over Yejun though. She just smiled at you and told you to breathe whenever it looked like you weren't. She was very helpful in trying to survive the last couple hours of work. You managed to make it though you must have left work looking crazy. As soon as you got in your car, you turned it on, and drove out of there without looking back. You wanted to see your baby!

Yejun was probably just chatting with Taehyung and eating snacks right now. He had no idea his mother was ready to go over the speed limit to see him. There were no cops around so Don't do that. It may be tempting now, but if you get a ticket then you won't be so happy then. It's better to set an example for Yejun this way. The good thing was that there wasn't any traffic on your way back home. You were able to make it home quick. Getting out of your car, you grabbed your lunch bag and ran towards the front door. You unlocked it as fast as you could, opening the door to see Yejun sitting on the floor with Taehyung. He turned his head to see you, a smile appearing on his face right away.

"Eomma!!" Yejun jumped onto his feet. Whatever he was doing with Taehyung no longer mattered. He was running towards you and you opened your arms wide. You were already crouching down, anticipating the sweet embrace. It was better than you could have ever imagined. Once he threw his arms around you, you held him tight to place a big kiss on his head.

"My precious baby. Mwah!" You kissed him again.

"Mwah!" Yejun mimicked, kissing the air. He was so easily your joy without trying. The amount of relief flooding you was tremendous. He seemed to be okay. He looked happy and Taehyung didn't look worried at all. He was only grinning at the affection Yejun and you had given each other. It was one of your most dramatic arrivals to say the least. Though it couldn't compare to when Yejun was less than a year old and you had finally returned from your first day back at work. That was pure torture. But as soon as you were home, you were back to being glued to Yejun. You wanted to hold him for hours and just watch him. The feeling was still there, but a lot more tame. It looks like Yejun is doing just fine.

"How was your first day at school?" You held his hands, watching him bounce.

"Good! They like my backpack! I told them Kookie hyung bought it for me!" Yejun swung your hands around.

"He was waving goodbye to the big kids too." Taehyung mentioned. Yejun nodded excitedly at you though you knew he most likely didn't befriend any of the big kids. If he was super happy then it was easier for him to overlook his usual fears without hesitance. One of his fears being older strangers. "I had him sit on the back of my bike and he held on tight like I told him."

"You did?" You looked back down at Yejun who held his head up with pride. "That's so good of you, Yejun!"

"I told Rex about school!" Yejun said as Taehyung nodded.

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