Opening Night

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This was so exciting!! You already promised Taehyung's mother that you would be taking as many pictures as you can. Videos if you're allowed to even! She badly wanted to come to opening night with her husband, but work was proving difficult with timing. They settled for going to closing night which Taehyung didn't mind. As long as he had people coming for him opening night in some way. You cheered Taehyung on when you saw him getting on his bike in the evening. He had a bag full of everything that he needed. The minute you shouted his name, Taehyung smiled. You could tell he had his base makeup on already since his blush was only showing on the tips of his ears. He's going to be such a great Phantom!

You couldn't wait to see Taehyung perform. You've seen him before in the past, but you couldn't wait to his transformation with this role. It was a very mature one compared to all his past roles. It's a lot more intense though you were sure he would be able to pull it off. Yejun was equally thrilled to see his hyung on stage. He always enjoyed seeing Taehyung perform. Sometimes he would get bored and fidgety in his seat. Sitting through a two hour show could be tough with him at times. You had no idea how this show would work out. It probably wouldn't capture his child imagination, but hopefully the singing can entertain him. Kids like opera!

The only thing Yejun was not a fan of was you trying to put him in nice clothes. Did he really have to fight you on this right now? The two of you needed to get going already. Jungkook was waiting to be picked up by you. That's what you tried telling Yejun. He was frustrated by his button up shirt and nice jeans. He kept unbuttoning his pants, bringing them down to his ankles and whining to get them off. That was a little hard considering he hadn't taken his shoes off first. You kept putting them back on only for Yejun to take it off again. He was running around your home with his pants down.

"Do Yejun! You can't be acting like this!" You followed him into the kitchen. He shook his head at you, not speaking as he clung onto the counter. "That's not safe, Yejun!" You prevented him from trying to climb. He already had limited use of his legs with his pants around his ankles. Sighing heavily, you stayed crouched down as you forced him to face you. Yejun had a big pout on his face to the point where he was even giving you his version of a glare. You shook your head at him as he tried to rip his hands away from you in order to run away again.

"Eomma!" Yejun whined, tears building up in his eyes.

"Yejun, it's just jeans. You can wear jeans while we go out and then we can take them off when we come back home," You explained to him. "We have to look nice at the theater. Jungkook is going to be dressed up too. He's waiting for us and we're going to be late if you keep running."

"Different pants!" Yejun stomped his feet.

"Yejun." You warned. "These are your only good 'fancy' pants so you have to wear them. Only for a few hours, okay?"

"I don't wanna!!" Yejun whimpered, leaning into you. "Eommaaa, no...don't make me!!" He tried struggling in your arms again. This was reminding you of when he was a toddler. His tantrums were pretty bad back then. Luckily you've gotten better at being patient. That was something you've learned thanks to him. You could do what your Mom used to threaten your sister with when the two of you were younger. She would pretend to leave the both of you if one of you wasn't complying and then suddenly the both of you were well behaved so she wouldn't leave you guys. While that did work, you weren't so sure you ever wanted to try that on Yejun. Instead you brought his jeans back up and carried him.

"We're going to meet Jungkook now so you better behave. I won't let you see Taehyung if you keep acting like this." You tried your hardest to walk out the door. Having Yejun in your hands was making that difficult. Somehow you managed to open and close the door, but locking it was killing your arm. When did he get so heavy? You remember when your baby boy was so light in your arms. He was still pouting, mumbling that he wanted to see Taehyung. He definitely will as long as he stops taking off his jeans. Knowing your son, he would probably try taking it off at the theater too. You're doing him a favor with all your strict warnings. The less embarrassing memories you get to tell his friends as he grows older, the better for him.

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