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It looked like you had a date. An actual date. How in the world did you manage to pull that off? Your mind has been struggling to comprehend the concept for days. The weekend felt slow and yet it was all a blur at the same time. You had a date! Not only that but you had it with Kim Namjoon, the hottest single father you have ever seen. He was such a caring man, did everything to take care of his family, and seemed so warm. How did you manage to score a date with this guy? This couldn't be real. As soon as you got home from the playdate, you were quick to dial your sister's number and scream into a pillow.

Yejun was luckily oblivious to your emotional state. He was too busy singing on the car ride back home and took a nap the moment you guys arrived. While he was sleeping in his room, you were retelling your sister everything. The two of you were freaking out and doing everything in your power not to get too ahead of yourselves. That failed. This was not something you could be casual about. Namjoon was the perfect man! You were struggling to find a flaw in him. There just had to be one! But it felt impossible and you weren't going to waste your time looking for them. You're sure that he had them. He came with baggage and so did you.

That part was obvious.

It was just a lot to think about. If this goes anywhere then that could mean Yejun would earn a step-father and step-brother. Would he be okay with that? He was still young so maybe the transition would work. As long as he gets used to Namjoon's presence. Still, that was thinking too far into the future. That was if things between Namjoon and you worked out. You hoped they would. You didn't want to enter a relationship so recklessly. Definitely not when you had Yejun to think about. Being selfish and entering meaningless relationships were things of the past. Those were things Jungkook should be enjoying right now. But for people like Namjoon and you, it was different.

That's just the way things turned out. The option to live for yourself wasn't always there. You didn't allow yourself to do that. Your mother gave up everything to raise you and your sister when dad left. Growing up, you saw it all. The way she would come home from work exhausted from the multiple shifts she would take. Sometimes you wouldn't even see her at all. She loved the two of you so much to give herself up like that. Jaehwa followed by example when she got pregnant. Of course, with limitations. Mom didn't let Jaehwa drop out of high school and made it clear to your sister that this baby was now her priority.

Jaehwa was able to go to school and go to college even with the support of her family. When she wasn't occupied with school though, she gave her son all the attention in the world. Then eventually a nice man came into her life. One who Jaehwa was hesitant on letting in, but now they had another kid and were happily married. It was beautiful to you. Almost inspiring now that you were finding yourself in a similar situation. Was Namjoon the one? You hoped so. He had to have put a lot of thought into asking you out considering you both had children of your own and they were best friends. All of this was too overwhelming.

"But do you want to date him?" Jaehwa's voice questioned. You laid in your bed, staring up at the ceiling while holding a pillow close to your chest.

"I do! I really do. I mean, who wouldn't? Why wouldn't I?" You sighed, holding the pillow tighter. "If Namjoon is potentially the one then I should test out the waters and find out for myself."

"That's good. I know you didn't want to force it though. Does this feel natural to you?" Jaehwa asked.

"It feels...natural. I don't know." You shifted on your bed. You hated how lost you felt. These felt like old boy problems you would used to go to your sister to. She wasn't always available either though. Like you mentioned, school and her baby were her world. Then she let your brother-in-law become a part of it. Even now you felt like you were intruding into her life as you heard her kids and husband in the background. "I think this will turn out better than my date with Jungkook."

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