Best Friend

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You were off at work earning the money you needed to support your family. While you worked hard at the company warehouse, Jungkook was at your home watching Yejun for you. He picked up your son from kindergarten who was ecstatic to see him as always. Life at school was becoming easier for Yejun. He still struggled at learning certain subjects and was behind on his reading skills but finding out he had dyslexia has made it easier for his teacher to adapt. He gained another helper around the classroom who gave him extra attention. They were doing what they could to help Yejun catch up with his class and give him the tools to succeed.

Maybe the results weren't exactly showing in his grades yet but it was showing in his attitude towards school. Yejun was back to feeling happy about school. He no longer had a poor attitude in the classroom when Miss Hwang was trying to teach. As long as he got help and wasn't made fun of. Luckily Jaehee no longer teased him. She stayed clear of him. She even stopped playing soccer so she wouldn't have to talk to him. Yejun didn't want that. He may not like her, but he wanted her to keep playing soccer if she liked it. She was good at it anyway. Jimin told Yejun to tell her that, but Yejun was stubborn and refused to talk to the girl. She could have cooties!

Even though Yejun wasn't afraid of cooties anymore. He was over that phase. He just told Jimin that so his best friend would stop pestering him about it. Jaehee quietly drew with chalk during recess these days with no friends by her side. Yejun was too nervous to approach her so he just left his favorite gummies in her cubby to make her happy. Jaehee would always smile in surprise to see the gummies when it was lunch time. Whether she knew it was Yejun or not, this was good enough for him.

That's how Yejun's school life was going. It was getting better which was good to hear about. Finally Yejun was gushing about every single detail to Jungkook whenever school ended. Even when they were barely walking out of the classroom, Yejun told Jungkook about all the fun things he did in class. He talked about all kinds of stuff and often got lost in his story telling. It was hard to keep up at times, but Jungkook loved it. He happily listened to everything Yejun had to say. All of it was important to him. Today was another one of those good days.

They made it home with the schedule already set. The first thing was to work on homework. It was the easiest thing to get out of the way. Yejun did a good job which earned him a big kiss on the cheek from Jungkook and cartoon time. In reality, cartoon time was so Jungkook could cook something up for them to eat. When you found out that Jungkook was cooking and actually capable of washing the dishes, you were impressed. You still made sure to keep him from being too risky in your kitchen. Jungkook considered himself not a danger in your kitchen, but he promised to be careful if that meant putting you at ease.

Lately the two of you have been closer than ever. He would eat dinner with you guys as always, but he would stay longer than he used to. The two of you would watch TV or just talk about all kinds of things. He'd let you rant about work and he'd make you feel like you had every right to feel the way you did. It helped you feel less stressed out. It was nice having Jungkook around all the time. He would have his arm around you when watching TV and he was so warm. He was sweet to you. You didn't even notice how easily time passed when he was around. You just let him talk about any small freelance work he did. It was also super cute and entertaining to see Jungkook gushing about a new videogame.

Yejun would sometimes try to get out of bed to spend time with the both of you. As lovely as that would be, he needed to sleep early. He had school to go to which would make him whine and almost throw a fit. He always knocked out though leaving you and Jungkook alone in the end. Plus, it was the perfect time for Jungkook and you to talk about things you guys didn't get to around Yejun. Any worries about life or anything you needed to get off your chest. Jungkook was there to listen to you. He would also braid your hair and brush it for you. You liked putting his hair into pig tails while also playing around with your makeup on him. He only let you do it because it was you. Though you did let him put makeup on you and you were surprised it came out decent. Still not enough to convince you to leave the house with that look, but he did decent.

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