Grown Up

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Yejun did really well meeting Jungkook at the coffee shop. He behaved for the most part and went to sleep just in time. You tucked him in his bed, leaving a kiss on his head. Normally you would try to read him a story before going to sleep. It looks like that will just have to wait until the next time since he clocked out. Yejun had a small smile on his lips when he received his goodnight kiss. Turning on his night light, you walked out of his bedroom and quietly walked over to your own. You performed your usual night routine and then went to sleep yourself. The only problem was that as soon as you were sleeping, you were awoken by your alarm clock. It was the early morning now with your alarm clock screaming at you to get ready for work already. Fabulous.

While you certainly felt like a slug, you went ahead with your day. A majority of your days were exactly this. Waking up early to get ready for work, come back home exhausted in the evening, take care of Yejun, and repeat. The days you got off were a blessing. You were able to sleep in for the most part unless Yejun came in your room to jump on your bed. He's done that a few times which was never fun for you. Though you did make sure your free days were dedicated to taking care of Yejun. He's constantly with his babysitter that you worry Yejun might hold it against you as he gets older. You're trying your best to get enough money to support the two of you but also be there for him as a mother. It's just that sometimes work gets in the way more.

You really wished it wouldn't. You'd honestly much rather be with Yejun though that wasn't realistic. More than ever with him soon to enter kindergarten so you hope that lifts some guilt off your shoulders. Quite frankly, you were spreading yourself thin a lot of the time. It's constantly something your family tells you to not do. Jaehwa's grown up with you and your Mom raised you. It couldn't be helped. You do it consistently and without even trying. Even before Yejun was born, you were trying to do it all until there was nothing left of you to give. One of the biggest battles you try your hardest not to face. Instead you'd rather keep this stressful façade of looking capable up to make everyone happy.

Back when you were younger, you could tell that Mom was doing her best. She had multiple jobs that left her entire body aching just to get a single meal on the table. She's always been a strong fighter. You wanted to be a fighter for her too. So you always took up doing the chores at home. At school, you made sure you excelled in your classes. You were an overachiever in other words. No one asked these things of you yet you thought they were important. You do find them important. If you got good grades then you could enter a good college, hopefully get a nice scholarship too, and make Mom happy. You were doing your best in that way since you knew she was struggling with Jaehwa who went through her rebellious phase. Life has always been an uphill battle.

So while you got pregnant unintentionally, you were doing your best to be the perfect mother. As close as you could be to it. You went up the ranks at your job from a temp to an operations assistant. That involved a lot of hard work on your part to become a permanent and eventually become a lead to where you are now. Everything just to get a higher pay so Yejun wouldn't have to suffer. You wanted to be it all for him. You don't want him growing up thinking a single mother is a tragedy or unfortunate in the slightest. It's only the hand life gave you and you were going to prove yourself. Mom did it and so could you. So even as it was painful to wake up before the sun was up, you forced yourself out of bed to get ready for the long workday ahead of you.

Yejun was deep asleep in his bedroom. You checked in on him quickly before going down to the kitchen to eat a quick breakfast and make yourself a coffee. You practically scarfed your meal just to make sure you wouldn't be late for work. If you clocked in early then you would be able to leave faster than the regular workers. Grabbing your bag, you opened the door just as your babysitter was exiting their own house. Perfect! Thanking them, you left them to watch Yejun for the time you were at work. They're free to watch TV then once Yejun wakes up is when they'll have to snap into work mode.

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