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Warm. He felt warm.

It was peaceful as Jungkook's eyes naturally opened slightly. He didn't move, far too comfortable to fully wake himself. It was tempting to just fall back to sleep. There was nothing forcing him to stay awake. Not even the gentle sun light caressing his cheek could disturb him. It actually tickled his skin as he snuggled into the blankets. He had his safe nest and inside was a precious delicate egg. Yejun was still clutching onto Jungkook's shirt with his breathing calm. His face wasn't scrunched up and no signs of fear were left on the little boy anymore. The two were enjoying their little paradise after the storm. Nothing could bother them.

Jungkook released a content sigh, grazing the back of his hand along Yejun's black hair. He pushed hair away from Yejun's face. He wanted to be able to see that boy's face. Eyes shut with no effort, lips parted slightly with some drool spilling from his lips. Adorable. Jungkook couldn't stop himself from kissing Yejun's forehead. The moment he did, his heart burned. It was racing and he quickly felt lightheaded as memories from last night flooded his head. After Jungkook put Yejun in bed and cuddled, there wasn't much else to remember. Only Yejun's soft voice. Hesitant yet with glass like determination as he called out towards Jungkook. He called him Dad for the third time and Jungkook just knew it would be the final time if he remained silent.

Was it greed? Selfishness? Jungkook responded back, referring to himself as Dad and pulling Yejun close. He held the boy in order for Yejun to feel safe from the storm. That's all Jungkook wanted. Was there really no deeper intention? It was hard to say. While Jungkook used to passionately pine after you, he never once thought that he needed to be Yejun's Dad. He never had that goal in mind. His only thoughts when it came to Yejun originally were that the boy was an added bonus to you. Eventually they transformed into taking care of Yejun, protecting him. Loving him. There wasn't anything more to them. He didn't need to be called Dad yet that's clearly what Yejun has been seeing him as. The chalk drawing faintly appearing in Jungkook's mind.

His heart continued to act like a drum. Yejun had the side of his face pressed into Jungkook's chest. During the night, Jungkook's heartbeat thrumming was Yejun's lullaby. It still had him asleep even as Jungkook pushed back his hair. Each of his actions were small and affectionate towards the boy. There was no dark intention with getting closer to Yejun. He didn't trick the boy into calling him Dad or into seeing him as one. Jungkook would never want to manipulate or hurt Yejun like that. His love for the boy was pure. It was utterly selfless and came from a genuine place. Yejun didn't owe Jungkook anything. And maybe for that...maybe if Yejun could sense how sincere Jungkook's care for him was...maybe that was why he called him Dad.

"Appa..." Yejun's voice was below a whisper. Jungkook stopped stroking the side of Yejun's cheek, staring down at the boy in confusion. His brows knitted together to see Yejun's eye blinking.

"Baby, how long have you been awake?" Jungkook wiped the drool from Yejun's mouth with his sleeve. "Just now?"

"Yeah..." Yejun let Jungkook check him over. His big eyes stared back at the older, slowly smiling as any sleepiness left him. "Appa?"

"Hm?" Jungkook responded without thinking. His eyes met Yejun's, noticing how quick Yejun was to smile.

"Appa!" Yejun repeated cheerfully. The boy had a large grin on his face, unaware of the acrobats he was causing Jungkook's heart to perform.

"Yeah?" Jungkook smiled, hearing Yejun giggle.

"Appa!" Yejun quickly cuddled into Jungkook. It was happening again. Not just calling him Dad, but Jungkook could feel his eyes prickle. He couldn't understand why he was so overcome with emotions to hear Yejun calling him that. Jungkook swallowed hard, holding his baby tightly to his chest. "I love you, Appa."

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