Time Flies

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Bonus Ending

Jungkook and you met by matching on a dating app. It took forever to get to the second date, but the two of you got there eventually. As much as you wished to have rushed the process and regretted giving up on him so early on...it was the right thing. Jungkook even told you that he was grateful you gave him the time and space to grow. He became the man he wanted to be for you and your family. Well, now it was his family too. Yejun accepted him with open arms long before the two of you started to date again. Jungkook is the father Yejun wants and he's made sure to stick by both of your sides these past two years.

Two years.

Time flew by that fast? Jungkook and you were even approaching your three year anniversary which was so exciting! That was still a couple months away so you distracted yourself with other things to be excited for. There were so many things going on that it was hard to keep track! Not just with your precious family, but also for all your friends and family around you guys. Your Mom officially retired, relaxing in her home as she got deeper into her plant hobby. Jaehwa's eldest son was currently in college and her husband got a major job promotion. That was thrilling for them! Her youngest was also going to be entering middle school which you knew she was internally crying about. They really do grow up so fast.

Yejun was now seven years old and soon to enter second grade. He was no longer your kindergarten baby. Still, he would forever be your baby boy. Yejun was signed up for a soccer team since you thought it would be good for him. Jungkook loved taking him to practice since the two were athletes. Jimin was even in the soccer team! Namjoon was worried at first, but Jimin really took a liking to soccer. He just needed to be mindful of his own limits which Jimin was good at doing. The occasional scare though Jimin was thriving and refusing to let asthma hold him back from having fun.

The kids were doing great in their studies too. Jimin has been a phenomenal student from the start while Yejun struggled a lot in the beginning. At least now he gets the proper help and accommodations that he needs for his dyslexia. Now your son was at the top of the class too. He no longer hated reading which was a relief. Yejun gave it his best effort and it was also thanks to Jungkook's game. That was a big project Jungkook had been working on during the first year of dating. He did a ton of research about making a game for dyslexic kids in order to help Yejun. Also, he loved making games and wanted to get Yejun into them. This was a great start.

The game was originally just for your son until Jungkook mentioned it to his old college friend, Jaesang. Once Jaesang heard that Jungkook completed a game for dyslexic children, he mentioned it to his company and they were knocking Jungkook's door down for a contract deal. They wanted to buy his game and make him an employee. As big as the offer was, Jungkook stuck to being a freelance game developer. He felt his passion and creativity was free if he was his own boss. He possessed the talent anyway to make his own successful game to begin with. Something that his parents were slightly disappointed to hear, but accepted.

When Jungkook introduced you and Yejun to his family, you were more than nervous. You were older and you had a child already. Would they accept you into their family? Mrs. Jeon didn't even have to think twice as she welcomed you with open arms. She hugged you tightly and thought Yejun was the cutest little boy, second to Jungkook, of course. Mr. Jeon was intimidating, but he was actually quite friendly. He was kind to your son and revealed to you just how in love Jungkook was with you. It was adorable to hear although Jungkook was embarrassed.

Another member of Jungkook's family was his best friend, Hoseok. You had met him once in the very beginning. Now you saw him more often since it was inevitable. You were able to see the strong friendship between the two men and after hearing everything, you feel grateful towards Hoseok. For everything he did for Jungkook in the past. Hoseok only smiled, probably used to being treated like a hero when he just was trying to be a friend. His coffee shop was also doing extremely well. Ever since news discovered that the CEO of Mono Magazine got his coffee there, business at Sunshine in a Cup has been booming.

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