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It feels like your brain has been swimming in murky water. Thoughts and ideas weren't clear when they came. When you tried to grasp onto them, they slipped away from your fingertips. The only reason you've been like this was because of everything building up. It started with Yoongi claiming that you were with Jungkook. Even when you told him you weren't, he was so sure it would happen eventually. Yoongi wasn't the type to make jokes like that. He might be sarcastic and tease, but he would drop it knowing that it really offended you. He didn't drop it though. He pressed it further despite how much you denied it. What's up with that?

The fact that it didn't end there is what made it worse. Once Yoongi left, you thought you wouldn't have to deal with that issue anymore. It could have been swept under the rug and never talked about again. Instead, you visited your mother and sister just for them to make the same assumptions. They weren't as direct, but you felt it. They were implying with their stares and vague words. Jaehwa mainly teased you with her expressions while Mom was more behaved. She didn't think too much of it. She just asked to see a closer photo of Jungkook. You didn't know why it made you so nervous to show her a photo of your friend. She stayed silent, examining him for the longest time. Eventually she hummed and handed your phone back to you.


And why did you want an answer so badly? What did she think of Jungkook? He's a good babysitter! Excellent friend as well! You were feeling flustered and silly over nothing. That's what you kept repeating to yourself in order to feel like you had some sanity left. Well, it only went flying out the window when you returned home. As if hearing it from your ex and family weren't enough to confuse you, your son took it to the next level. You just came home and quickly learned that Yejun saw Jungkook as a father figure. Enough so to call him Dad right in front of you so naturally.

The events of yesterday were still swirling in your mind. Jungkook and you talked it out but felt like there couldn't be much done. What Yejun did wasn't necessarily wrong. You didn't want to take that ability to feel closer to Jungkook away from him. He was only stating how he saw Jungkook as shocking as it was. Yejun possibly viewed it in a simpler light. It wasn't complicated for him while you could see the shadows and the problems. You just acted normally and told Jungkook to do the same. He didn't do anything wrong.

For some odd reason though, he kept a guilty expression. It was most apparent anytime Yejun called Jungkook 'Dad' in front of you. He felt guilty and so did you. Jungkook didn't realize you were struggling to keep yourself together on the inside. Everything you felt like you had control over was thrown out the window. It was impossible to collect yourself. Not when butterflies were let loose inside you and your heart decided it was appropriate to act like a marching band. It was driving you crazy to act like everything was normal in your own home in front of your best friend and son. Why wouldn't these pestering thoughts just leave you alone?

It was leaving you drained even as you sat in Namjoon's home. Today was the...you forget what date number the two of you were on at this point. Though you weren't exactly sure if this counted as a date. You brought Yejun with you so he could play with Jimin. As soon as the two saw each other, they were inseparable. They hurried into Jimin's playroom to start building a city out of legos. You weren't exactly sure what they were going to do once they had the city. Maybe pretend to be big monsters like Godzilla and take it down? You weren't sure but they were being diligent little architects at the moment. At least Yejun could give Jimin his full attention. You were hardly doing that with Namjoon.

"Everything okay?" Namjoon asked you. His voice quickly got you to look over at him, staring at him with a forced smile.

"Sorry...I'm a bit distracted." You almost chuckled, but felt it was inappropriate. Your hand stretched out to grab the cup of water Namjoon had brought for you earlier. Drinking a bit of it, you sighed as he tilted his head at you.

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