Here's to a New 'We'

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Yejun had been impatient for this day to arrive. You were the same way, but for different reasons. When field day finally came around, you were prepared and anxious. For the past couple of days, you've been rehearsing everything that you needed to say. A lot of thought had to be put into the way you were going to end things with Namjoon. Though the two of you never made it official, you still thought he deserved the utmost respect from you. If he'd be willing to stay as friends then you would love that. Either way, you'll understand if he wants a break from you.

It's been gnawing at your brain nonstop. Your nights have become restless with tossing and turning. Pacing around until your legs were aching. You would lay in your bed, hoping that you weren't making a mistake. No matter what, you knew this was for the better. Even if Jungkook rejected you, it would do you no good to stay with Namjoon. Just because he's there doesn't mean he's the one for you. He deserves someone better than you if he wants to truly find his special someone. If Jungkook turns out to be the one for you, you're going to feel so silly. He's been right in front of you for so long now. Though you suppose it was better that you were realizing it now.

The only reason you think this is because...there was something different about Jungkook. He's not the same man he used to be. It's not like you knew him that well in the beginning. Still, he's always been easy to read and he had his moments of immaturity. Sometimes you could just tell he had many things to learn. Now as the months have passed, you were seeing a more mature side of him. He was calmer, more understanding, and thoughtful. He was growing into the person he wanted to be. You could tell that much with how confident he was in himself these days. No longer stuttering as much or acting shy around you or your son. The Jungkook you found yourself falling for wasn't the same one you befriend many months ago.

You weren't really trying to run from your feelings anymore. What you were feeling for Jungkook was real. It was there. They made themselves very clear now that you were no longer trying to aggressively shove them into a bottle. Whenever Jungkook was over, you just noticed things easier. How happy he made you, how comfortable you were around him, how affectionate you were with him. Little things like that. Your heart wasn't racing all the time and you weren't acting like a school girl with a crush. Instead, he made you feel calm and at peace. Jungkook felt like a part of your home and family. It felt like a lot to say considering the two of you were just friends, but that was how you felt.

All the more reason to tell Namjoon that it wasn't going to work between the both of you. It would be hard telling him, but you actually believed he would agree. Just maybe. You couldn't really picture him fighting for you to stay with him. He might feel sad and naturally so. You'd be lying if you said you didn't feel a couple shades of blue yourself. It just had to be done. Namjoon is kind and respectful so he'll accept it. Better to cut it off early before the two of you try to continue and make it serious. With all that plaguing your mind, you found yourself extremely nervous when you brought Yejun to school that morning. Jungkook was holding Yejun's hand with you holding the other as the two of you walked to Yejun's classroom to meet up with his class. Namjoon should be there with Jimin already.

"Are you ready for today, Yejun?" Jungkook asked.

"Super ready!!" Yejun squealed. He wore a shirt that had been passed out to his class. You could already see other kids his age wearing the same shirt. So many parents were walking around with their children for field day. The atmosphere for all the activities was full of excitement and anticipation. Yejun has been telling you nonstop that he would win a first place ribbon. You couldn't wait to see it then.

"Super ready? Oh, then you're definitely going to do good!" Jungkook squeezed the boy's hand. Yejun stared up at Jungkook with a beaming smile.

"And if you don't get a first place ribbon, that's okay. As long as you have fun, Yejun." You made sure to mention that to the boy. You didn't want Yejun to get too sad if he wasn't successful in getting a single blue ribbon. It wasn't the end of the world, but with how important this was to him then you figured he would cry if he got his hopes up too much. "There's nothing wrong with failing. You have the rest of elementary to keep doing your best and having fun on field day."

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