Helping Out

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Tomorrow is the day. That was beginning to bug you a lot the longer you thought about. It was something you should be excited about. Can't you look forward to it at all? You were doing your best to think of it in a positive light. That would only be successful for the first few minutes before it all went downhill. Yejun is going to be entering school very soon. He's going to meet new people, learn new things, and grow so much from this experience. Then that's when momma blues hit. The usual emotional turmoil each mother feels with every milestone reached by their kid. You couldn't even imagine Yejun leaving you for college. Oh god, you might just make yourself cry thinking about it.

Blinking rapidly, you took in a deep breath and did your best not to think about it too hard. You haven't struggled this hard since you were returning to work after giving birth to Yejun. That's when your Mom lived with you for a while. She looked after Yejun while you worked, constantly telling you that you needed to get over this bump. That it would make you stronger. Of course, she was right. It just felt like pure torture in the beginning. All you could think about was Yejun when you returned. He consumed your thoughts more than you would have thought. How was he doing? Is he okay? Does he need you? You were ready to drop anything just to go see him again and have him back in your arms. It was certainly tough in the beginning with your strong attachment towards your son.

Eventually Mom went back to her place. She had to return sometime to do her own work and make it back to her own home. She had her life to live which she willingly put on pause to help you out for a bit. Mom is the best. You were extremely grateful towards her for everything she did for you. Mom did a good job at helping out with baby Yejun and pushing you to be strong as a single mother. Jaehwa did a lot of calls with you. Just to check up on how you were doing as well as giving you advice. She was your rock any time you felt like you couldn't do it. She wanted to help you out, but she had two kids of her own. You really didn't want to ask that much of her and to put pressure on her husband. You're going to stick it out as much as you can as a single mother.

This wasn't the way you thought your life would go. That was the honest truth. It was hard a lot in the beginning. Just knowing you would have to do this alone, plans falling through, gossip about you spreading, and doing it all with a smile. There's a lot of things that people don't talk about when it comes to being a single mother. You went through way more than you expected. It wasn't just going to doctor visits alone and crying heavily from pure exhaustion. It was also having to put on this image that you were strong even when you were fragile. Anytime you said anything remotely negative about your situation or simply hoping you weren't doing this alone, you became a victim. And people didn't want to hear you complaining about a situation you put yourself in.

So fine, you'll be strong. You'll play the part of Mom and Dad for Yejun. You'll brush off snide comments people make about your personal life. In reality, it was none of their business. You take full responsibility for raising your son. You chose to keep him after all. Protection was used yet Yejun was born anyway. His father and you had broken up already so marrying for the sake of Yejun would have been a bad idea. It's not like marriage means they will stay anyway. All that matters is that even with all this pain Yejun knows nothing about, you forget about it instantly when you see him. When cuddling with him on the couch in the mornings as he watches cartoons. Whenever he randomly grabs a flower from the grass and gives it you. He'll forever be the reason you march forward.

That meant while you were proud of him for getting ready for kindergarten, you were most likely going to cry. That was just a fact at this point. It couldn't be helped and you knew you wouldn't be helping yourself if you denied it. The emotions were already settling as you sat in your car. You probably should stop moping around already to clock into work. Groaning to yourself, you exited out of your car with your lunch bag. Taehyung should be watching morning cartoons while Yejun is sleeping in his warm bed. The thought put a smile on your face. That should keep you going for the long day you have ahead of yourself. As soon as you stepped into the building, you were met with Munhee's presence.

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