Imperfect is Okay

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The date had gone so well. You think it was the best one yet! Namjoon and you decided to tone it down a lot this time around. Considering his schedule was tight and you would be coming fresh out of work, the both of you settled for watching a movie and ice cream. It was a sweet date that most teenagers have already done. It did make you feel good and young which was nice. Your worries were put on the back burner for the few short hours you were with Namjoon. You got off work at five and the date was coming to an end a little past eight. It had to be the first time you didn't feel awkward hanging out with Namjoon.

He was joking around with you a lot after watching the movie. While you thought it had been a good one, he had so many critiques. It was hilarious to hear how much the little things bothered him. Since when was he such a movie critique? It was fun spending time with him like this though. Something a lot more simple than the fancy restaurant and museum. Maybe this was all your relationship with him needed? No pressure and for you to be in your comfort level. You figured that would make dating Namjoon go better.

The man is incredibly sweet to you and is undoubtedly attractive. He's charming to no end which makes it impossible for you deny him. It would be crazy if you did to a lot people. Dating Namjoon was never a part of the plan. You had told yourself many times that you weren't going to actively date or anything like that. If anything, you would let things happen naturally. That's when Namjoon appeared in your life. The two of you stumbled upon each other in your son's classroom. It seriously felt too perfect to be true. Still, here the both of you were finishing up a third date and planning a fourth one in the future. You'd like to hang out with him again.

The only issue with this was that there was something Namjoon and you were avoiding. What exactly were Namjoon and you? By the fourth date you would think that maybe it'd be time to label yourselves something. That's the entire reason you were dating to begin with. This wasn't supposed to be messing around. You wanted someone who could potentially be a father to Yejun. Namjoon had the same thing on his mind. He wanted a mother for Jimin. The two of you were single parents and so it only felt natural to try dating each other. While you did like him, you weren't sure if you wanted to start introducing Namjoon as your boyfriend to family. You could wait a little longer to do that and Namjoon had no objections against that.

"I had a ton of fun tonight." Namjoon chuckled, parking his car in front of your home.

"Me too! Let's do something laid back again." You suggested, immediately getting no complaints on his part.

"Just tell me whatever you want to do. I'm sure it'll be great." Namjoon unbuckled himself from his seat. You copied his actions, exiting his car with him.

"I'll think of something." You promised him as you took out your keys from your purse. Namjoon followed you to your front door. He smiled with his hands in the pockets of his coat. "Can't wait to see my baby."

"Yeah, mine too so hurry up." Namjoon teased causing you to fake a scoff.

"I am trying!" You grinned, finally getting the key inside the slot after some struggling. It's not your fault that the light is too dim and making you feel like you can't see a thing! Namjoon just laughed, the two of you in a good mood. You opened the door wide for the both of you to step inside. Removing your shoes, you smiled to see Jungkook watching TV on the couch. The only light available was coming from the TV and the ceiling light over the dining table. There were no children in sight which sparked your curiosity. Namjoon was wondering the same, wanting to see Jimin as soon as possible. Jungkook looked over at the two of you, bringing a finger to his lips. "Where are they?" You whispered as he stood up.

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