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Adele's eyes are intensely focused, peering through 50's style glasses that are way too big for her face, watching a caterpillar slowly inch its way across a sapling's tree branch with childlike wonderment.

Estelle Wilson steps out onto the back porch carrying a basket of wash to be hung on the clothesline. She notices Adele standing over by the edge of the woods, and begins muttering to herself...

"Lord have mercy; what's that child up to now?" She climbs down the steps and heads towards her granddaughter. "Adele; you still here? Shouldn't you been on your way by now?"

Adele quickly scoops up the insect from the branch and rushes to Estelle; extending her hand out proudly displaying her find, while exuberantly exclaiming, "Look, Grandma; a caterpillar!"

Estelle glancesat the insect, then back at Adele; sounding unimpressed as she remarks, "Yeah; it's a caterpillar alright. Seen 'em before; and I'll see 'em"

Adele gently strokes it with her index finger as it crawls along the back of her hand.

"It looks kinda ugly now...but one day it's gonna spin a cocoon...take a long nap..." she closes her eyes and starts to envision it in her mind; appearing as if in a trancelike state, "and turn into a beautiful butterfly; with bright colorful wings." Adele gracefully waves her hands back and forth to mimic its flight motion. "And it's gonna fly like it's floating on air."

Estelle's always admired her granddaughter's love of nature; especially being how it was instilled into Adele by her late, beloved Joe. But she's less enthused over it when it starts to interfere with what needs to be done. And at this moment, Adele needs to be on her way.

Estelle slowly rolls her eyes. "I know how butterflies come to be, child. I also know that school starts today; and if you don't quit lollygagging, you gonna be late. Now move that butt and git goin', girl."

Upon hearing this, Adele opens her eyes and laughs. "Ooo, said butt."

Estelle half-jokingly replies, while keeping a straight face and serious tone, "Yeah...I said butt...and I'm gonna spank that butt if it don't git movin'. Now go along."

"Okay, Grandma."

Adele rushes to the sapling and places the caterpillar back on the branch. Then she picks up her Hello Kitty backpack and darts off. She suddenly remembers; then comes to an abrupt halt, quickly spins around and runs back to Estelle.

She kisses heron the cheek. "Love you, Grandma."

"Love ya, too, Suga'bear."

Adele takes off; and as Estelle watches her granddaughter run down the dirt driveway, she shakes her head and smiles while once again beginning to mutter to herself...

    "Lord; give me the strength to deal with that girl...Bless her soul."

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