The Future

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Nadine and her friends are walking from the parking lot to the school entrance, when a group of boys hanging out front take notice of her.

One remarks, "Hey, Nadine; looking good."

Nadine continues walking, while simply responding, "Thanks."

The girls giggle. Sarah's the first to comment...

"Well; someone's already in demand."

Nadine blushes as she bashfully replies, "Shut up."

Janice tells Nadine, "No kidding; you'll have them all wishing they were Junior Prom King just so they could dance with you."

"What are you talking about?"

"I'm talking about you...Miss Junior Prom Queen."


Trish chimes in, "No, seriously, Nadine; you're a shoe-in to win. Face it; you are the most popular girl here at Roosevelt."

"Yeah; right. What about Christy Rosenberg?"

Sarah scoffs, "That 'Barbie' in a cheerleader suit?'re way more popular."

Janice and Trish quickly concur with "For real" and "Yeah". Then Trish asks...

"Don't you want to be Prom Queen?"

"Actually, In ever really gave it a thought. Besides; prom's not until's only September."

Sarah advises, "Hey; you need to plan and prepare way in advance nowadays. Am I right, girls?"

Janice and Trish simultaneously nod in agreement. Nadine chortles and shrugs her shoulders as if to say "whatever". Then she tells them...

"I really don't see the point in planning so far ahead when you don't even know what to plan for."

Trish asks, "What do you mean?"

  "I mean, you never know what life has in store for you, guys."

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