Promises Made

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It has been one of the longest and most trying days that the Martins have ever experienced.

It started in the morning, when Cheryl called David and told him that she called Dr. Minoit over earlier to check on Nadine; and he informed her that Nadine would probably be dying sometime today. And as if that news wasn't devastating enough, David was grief stricken by the knowledge of realizing he wouldn't be able to get home to be with his family at this crucial time. 

 Yesterday, a bomb had been set off at the Atlanta Civic Center, with warnings of possible attacks to follow. Federal agents weren't allowing anyone to leave the city or neighboring communities while they investigate and search for the perpetrators of the bombing. He's basically stuck in Atlanta until the F.B.I. sees fit to allow people to leave the area.

Throughout the day, both Cheryl and Corrine have been taking turns sitting beside Nadine; staying with her as her bodily systems gradually begin to shutdown at a heart wrenching, agonizing pace. Adele, of course, has been with Nadine the entire time; only leaving her side long enough to rush to the bathroom when absolutely necessary.

It's nighttime; Nadine's propped up a little by her pillows in bed, and seems as if she's drifting in and out of consciousness. She looks about the room looking at objects from time to time, but doesn't appear to be specifically focusing on what she's staring at. Her breathing's been deep and shallow all day. And when she attempts to talk, her speech is very raspy and labored.

Adele and Corrine are sitting on opposite sides of her bed; each holding onto one of Nadine's hands as Nadine stares blankly at the ceiling. Suddenly, Nadine appears to become cognizant of her surroundings, and turns her head to face Adele.

"Adele...I want you to promise me."

"Promise what, Nadine?"

"Promise...promise you won't forget."

"Forget what?"

"Forget that you're a good person, Adele. A very...good person." She pauses momentarily before continuing, "Don't let people treat you otherwise. Remember... you're a princess, Adele."

Nadine fights weakened facial muscles as she struggles to form a slight smile. Adele displays a quivering smile back; as she fights to hold her tears back.

"Okay...I promise."

"Good." Nadine slowly turns her head to face Corrine. "Cor...I want you to promise...promise that you'll try to get along with Mom. Cor...when I'm're all she's going to have left. Please...promise me you'll get along."

"I promise, Na. I promise."


Nadine stares back up at the ceiling looking as if she were about to drift off again. Adele and Corrine look at each other. There's a brief moment of silence before Nadine speaks again.

"Now...I need the two of you to promise me one more thing."

Her sister making her last wishes are starting to tear her apart inside; so, Corrine attempts to alleviate the mood slightly by quipping while trying to mask her choking up, "Boy...this one sure has a lot of promises she wants us to make."

It kind of works for a second or two, as all three softly laugh. Then Nadine informs Adele and Corrine of her final request of them.

"Yeah...just one more...and it's really important that you keep it."

Adele asks, "What is it, Nadine?"

"I need you to promise...when I'm gone..." Nadine pauses to catch her breath. "Promise me that you'll be there for each other. That you'll look out for each other...and take care of each other. Promise me that?"

Adele immediately promises with a simple, "Yeah."

Corrine follows, "Of course. Anything you want, Na."


Nadine stares back up at the ceiling. This time, however, a strange far off gaze overtakes her eyes; as a sudden look of panic starts to emerge on her face. Tears start to trickle from her eyes as she calls out for her sister.


"What, Na?"

Nadine's voice strains as she cries out with a sense of urgency, "Get Mommy, please."

Corrine rushes out of the bedroom; while Adele remains holding onto Nadine's hand.

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