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Having been too sick to attend school the past couple of weeks, and still feeling weak when the day of the prom finally arrives, Nadine decides not to attend; even despite the fact that Adele had chosen the theme specifically for her. She feels it's best not to chance attempting to go, getting sick and having an episode; ruining the prom for everybody else there. Nadine's sure that the best thing to do is just stay home in bed and relax. But she's also absolutely certain about one other thing...Adele should go to the prom.

Nadine's sitting up in bed smiling with pride as she watches Corrine and Missy help Adele get ready. She tells her...

"You're going to be the prettiest girl at the prom, Adele."

"Do you really think so?"

"I know so."

Adele smiles slightly as she starts to blush. "Thank you." After a little bit of primping of her dress at the deftly hands of Missy, Adele turns to Nadine and suggests, "Maybe I should stay here with you tonight, Nadine."

"No...don't be ridiculous. You helped out so much on the prom committee to prepare for it. You're going."

Adele points out, "Yeah; but you helped, too."

"I know...but I'm a little tired tonight. I just want to stay in bed and watch some TV."

"I can watch TV with you and..."

Nadine, using an amicable tone, firmly insists, "You're going to prom, Adele...end of discussion." She shoots a smile to Adele; who quickly returns one back.

"Okay...if you're sure?"


Missy finishes adjusting the dress, then tells her, "Alright, Adele; let's go to the bathroom and do some finishing touches to your hair and makeup."

Just as Missy and Corrine take Adele into the bathroom, Nadine hears a light knocking on her bedroom door.

"Come in."

Sarah enters the room, closing the door behind her. When she turns around, she's slightly taken aback; but quickly recomposes herself. At this stage in Nadine's illness, most of the students at Roosevelt High...finds herself a little distraught over Nadine's frail,s ickly state; especially now, after not having seen her for a couple of weeks. Just like Eddie...Sarah, Trish and Janice are having a difficult time when in Nadine's presence; because it breaks their hearts to see her in that condition. So, none of them had come to visit Nadine during her absence; and Sarah needs a moment to readjust to looking upon Nadine's near death-looking appearance. Once she does, Sarah manages to uncomfortably eek out a...



" are you doing?" Sarah can't believe what she just said; wishing that she could take it back while shaking her head slowly and lightly knocking her fist on her forehead a few times as she apologizes, "That was stupid. Sorry, Nadine; I didn't..."

Nadine softly laughs. "It's okay, Sarah. Actually...besides the whole dying from leukemia part...I'm doing pretty good."

At first, Sarah looks a bit aghast over her morbid glib; but when she notices Nadine smile at her, she relaxes and smiles back. "Glad to hear it." Sarah opts to change the subject. " Adele ready?"


Nadine reaches out and takes a hold of Sarah's hand in a noticeably weakened grip. The first glaring physical deviation from the last time they held hands is how emaciated Nadine's hand , like the rest of her body, has become; due to both her lack of appetite and difficulty her system has absorbing the nutrients from the food she does manage to force herself to eat. Then there's the unnerving clamminess constantly present in her palms these days. 

 Sarah's a little apprehensive over it, and wants to take her hand away from Nadine. But she soon begins to relax...remembering that despite the distressing, deathly attributes, this was still Nadine...and instantly feels comfortable once again holding onto her dear friend's hand. So, instead of pulling away, Sarah slightly tightens her grip on it.

"Look; thanks for taking Adele with you guys to prom tonight."

" biggie."

"Also...Adele told me that you, Trish and Janice have been hanging out with her at school since I've been out. Thanks, Sarah. It really means a lotto know that Adele isn't by herself all the time at school." She adds, "Oh...and thank Trish and Janice for me, too; okay."

"Sure...I will. But really; it's okay...even kinda cool. I were right, Nadine; Adele's sweet and...well...I kinda see now why you like being friends with her. She's really nice...and a good friend."

"Yeah, she is; isn't she?"

"Yeah...she is."

Corrine and Missy exit the bathroom; followed by Adele. Sarah, stunned by Adele's radiant beauty, releases Nadine's hand and takes a few steps towards Adele for a closer look. After a brief overview, Sarah enthusiastically compliments...

"Whoa...looking good there, Adele."


"Uh-huh. You're gonna knock 'em dead tonight."

Again, Sarah feels as if she had spoken aloud the biggest gaffe possible; as she instantly bites down on her tongue, and hopes that Nadine will forgive her for such a...though totally unintentional...seemingly callous, impromptu remark. 

 Of course, Nadine, nor any of the others present in the room, takes any offense over the commonly used phrase. And Adele herself feels deeply flattered over Sarah's comment.

"Thank you, Sarah." Then she beseechingly inquires, "What do you think, Nadine?"

"I think you look gorgeous. But the real question is, what do you think?"

Adele walks over to the full length mirror standing in the corner of the room; then carefully examines her reflection from head to toe a couple of times before turning around to look back at Nadine. She proudly smiles.

"I feel like a princess."

Suddenly, at that very moment when Adele seems to have realized her own self-worth, it hits Nadine like an epiphany. Adele was more than just her best friend; the love she holds in her heart for Adele exceeds way beyond that point. No, she was much more than that. Nadine finally realizes that Adele is a special gift to her from God. Adele Wilson... was the 'daughter' she would never live long enough to have herself.

Since the first time they met back in September, Nadine has been 'raising' Adele; installing self-confidence into her and teaching her how to socialize with her peers at school. Nadine had taken that introverted, socially-awkward, childlike teenage girl under her wing, and transformed her into a more confident, outgoing...and yes, even socially acceptable to some now at Roosevelt High...beautiful, young lady. True, she still has a long way to go; but at least, thanks to Nadine's guidance and belief in her, Adele now has the building blocks that she needs...and will help her along her journey.

This is another sign to Nadine that there is indeed a God; and, that He hasn't forsaken her. It was a lousy hand of cellular genes dealt to her that's taking her life away so soon. But it was God, in His infinite wisdom and love, who had saw fit to bless her with the opportunity to have 'raised a child' before she dies. At least this is something special that she now knows she has accomplished during her short lifetime.  And, she is truly grateful to God for it.

Nadine gets out of bed and walks over to Adele; then turns her back around so they're both looking into the mirror. Feeling overwhelmingly maternal now, Nadine, most lovingly, places her hands on Adele's shoulders; while gently leaning her head against hers.

"You are a princess, Adele..." She slowly moves her hands down from Adele's shoulders, then tenderly wraps her arms around her chest and hugs her. "...and don't you ever forget that."

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