Adele's 'Birth'

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At the end of the school day, Christy and the 'Cool Crew' are talking by her locker when she happens to notice Adele at hers, and snidely remarks, "I can't believe she actually has the nerve to still come to school now that the 'Mother Hen' isn't around to look out for her anymore."

Once it was known that Nadine's leukemia had returned, Christy had instructed the gang to lay off Adele for the time being...with the exception of the impulsive locker incident...fearing that teasing Adele would decrease their popularity standing because the rest of the student body would probably sympathize for the sick girl and her retarded friend. 

 But, now that Nadine's gone, Christy's under the misguided assumption that things have returned back to the way they were before Nadine and Adele were ever friends; meaning that it's once again okay to target Adele Wilson without fear of any repercussions, or detriment to their popularity standing at school. And, Frankie is also under this misconception.

When Frankie looks over and sees Adele, a devilish grin emerges upon his countenance. "Lookie, lookie...time to have a little fun."

Troy no longer shares the same enthusiasm as he once had before for partaking in ridiculing Adele. Besides, he still feels guilty over not attending little Elizabeth VanCleef's funeral. True, Leah had disassociated herself from the 'Cool Crew' to befriend Nadine, Christy's sworn nemesis, and Adele, the antithesis of coolness; but, they had all been friends for years...and her baby sister had died. 

 Troy feels those two circumstances alone should have been enough to justify their supporting Leah at least on that occasion; and pay their condolences to her and her family. But, Christy felt totally slighted by Leah's actions; and she forbade any member of the 'Cool Crew' from going. Of course, shamefully, they instinctively and blindly followed her lead; like a pack of panicking, fleeing lemurs running behind each other over the edge of a cliff. And now, after the recent death of Nadine, Frankie's getting ready to pick on Adele; and deep down inside, Troy feels this isn't right.

"Yo, man; why don't you cut her a little slack? I mean; her friend did just die last..."

"Don't tell me you're starting to care about the Retard, Troy?"

" ain't's just..."

"Just what?"

"Don't you think she deserves a least for now?"

A perturbed Frankie scoffs, " I don't. What about you think the Retard deserves a break?"

Christy, who's in total agreement with Frankie, readily shakes her head. The others... though now not so committed to Christy and Frankie's despising of Adele; but more so afraid of opposing them...un-heartedly shake their heads after being sternly gazed at by Christy.

Frankie self-righteously replies, "That's what I thought."

Once again displaying that devilish grin, Frankie leaves the group and heads for Adele; while, Troy shakes his head in disgust and walks away.

Frankie bumps into Adele at her locker. "Hey...I thought we talked about this before. Watch out where you're going, Retard."

Adele immediately looks down to the floor, remaining quiet; but doesn't take the former usual subservient stance that she'd normally take when in a confrontational encounter. Her posture remains more erect; appearing less withdrawn than it used to become when being picked on.

"Well...what's wrong with you, got your tongue? Aren't you going to say you're sorry for bumping into me, Retard?"

Adele remains silent, looking at the floor.

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