Of Fathers and Daughters

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With all the strife abounding the Martin household, there's one aspect that David has taken sole responsibility for so not to concern Cheryl and the girls with; and that's the financial burden created from the medical expenses. Every time Nadine had a bout with leukemia, he would be the only one to focus on the costs involved; alleviating Cheryl from at least one of the worries derived from their daughter's illness. David realized that Cheryl had enough to deal with during these times, and he was always ready to handle the financial matters himself.

While Cheryl and Corrine spent more time directly with Nadine as she battled her cancer; handling all the bills, statements and expenditures was a constant reminder of her ailment, also causing David emotional grief...with this time around troubling him even more so than the two previous times. 

 But, it isn't so much the difference with the expenses involved; even despite that the costs today are significantly higher than they were when she was seven. What makes it harder for him this time is that with the last two financial strikes to the Martin budget he had at least seen the 'return for the investment'. Nadine survived her illness, and as far as he wa sconcerned no price was too high to pay for that. 

 This time, however, there won't be any payoff seen. His little girl's going to die; and, no amount of money's going to spare her life. And, the most painstaking financial decision for David... making it glaringly obvious to him that there was no altering her fatalistic outcome...was when he had decided to reallocate Nadine's college fund to use for her inevitable upcoming funeral expenses.

After having used up all his allotted paid time off, and still needing to take care of both the preexisting and amassing medical costs incurred by Nadine's leukemia, David has no choice but to be subjugated to his company's time demands of him. Cheryl's company is more lenient to excuse her from the job; being how she's paid solely on commission. As long as other agents are selling the houses represented by the agency, Cheryl's absence makes no difference to, nor affects, their business operations. And though David totally supports Cheryl's decision to spend most of her time at home tending to Nadine, this only increases the financial demand on him. 

Even Corrine's voluntary contribution of her wages earned from the diner doesn't begin to scratch the surface of the mounting costs; especially since she only works a few hours a week so she too can spend most of her time with Nadine. So once again, David willingly steps up and does what he must to take care of the financial responsibilities; regardless of how much he may despise having to do certain things involved in the process.

David is regrettably packing a suitcase for an inescapable business trip. He doesn't want to be away from home at this time; but doesn't have a choice. The company won't allow his absence from this; at least not without facing harsh ramifications...which would more than likely be him being terminated from the company. And, David can't afford to be fired under the current circumstances. This was a two year acquisition in the making; chiefly overseen by David. The Board of Directors, though sympathetic to his family's situation, simply refuses to send anybody else but him to close the deal. David has no choice but to go; and feels terrible about it.

Nadine watches from the doorway for a moment, smiling as she recalls his last business trip's oversight before entering.

She always speaks softly now; and raspy at times. "Did you remember to pack your blue tie?"

He turns around and smiles. "Yeah; I remembered this time. Thanks."

"No prob."

He resumes packing, while telling her, "I wish I didn't have to go on this business trip...it's just...well...I've been taking a lot of time off recently, and my boss said..."

"Dad...it's fine. Really...I totally understand."

"Yeah, well; it'll only be a week and a half...two tops. I'll be back before you know it. Then maybe, if you're feeling up to it, we can all go out somewhere...wherever you'd like to go. How's that sound?"


"Okay...then think about it and let me know where you want to go when I get back. Deal?"



As he continues packing, Nadine watches; with tears beginning to form in her eyes. She starts to reflect upon everything David had done for her over the years; all the sacrifices he's made and how he's always been there for her no matter what. She thinks about what a wonderful father he's been to her, and how loved she's always felt by him. And though most of her girlfriends had become a little distant with their fathers, especially after reaching their adolescent years, she has always felt a close connection with him. Nadine feels truly blessed to have had him for her father.

As she begins to wipe her eyes dry, Nadine softly calls out to him, "Daddy?"

It's been years since the last time David heard Nadine refer to him as 'Daddy'. He instantly becomes somewhat overwhelmed by this; taking a brief moment to recompose himself before slowly turning to look at her.


"I just..." She has to briefly pause before she's able to continue. "I just wanted to say...thank you."

"You're welcome. But really, it's no problem taking you wherever..."

"No...not that."

"Then...thankyou for what?"

Nadine takes a moment tenderly looking at him before devoutly professing, "Thankyou...for everything."

Deeply touched from this, David finds himself speechless. At first, they stand there lovingly staring into the other's eyes; then slowly walk towards each other, opening their arms while preparing to embrace.

He hasn't held Nadine for the past few months; ever since her body started atrophying from the ravages of the leukemia. David's been earnestly afraid that he might somehow hurt Nadine while in such an obviously fragile state; and doesn't want to cause her anymore physical pain than she's already suffering from. He's a little leery; but not enough to prevent him from putting his arms around her now.

His immediate reaction is similar to that of the first time he held Corrine. Up until then, David had never held an infant before. And even though he was eager to hold her, he was also worried that he might inadvertently hurt such a delicate, little one. So, he made sure to make a conscious effort to handle her as gently as humanly possible; which he now finds himself wanting to do with Nadine. 

 But the very moment he takes hold of her...just like those other two very moment she held his daughters in his arms for the first time...all his fears instantly subside; and all he feels is an inundation of swelling love for his precious 'baby girl'.

Suddenly, David becomes greatly saddened; succumbing to an unjustifiably misconceived feeling of burdensome guilt and shame. He feels that he's let her down as a father. As a father, it was his job to take care of and protect her; and he believes he's failed her miserably. She's dying from leukemia and there's nothing he could do about it. He couldn't protect her from the disease...and, he can't stop it from killing her. For this, he feels somehow guilty; and would most willingly trade places with her if possible.

And, while these unsubstantiated feelings and thoughts resound in his mind; Nadine's opinion of her father is quite the contrary. Right now, being held in his arms...despite the fact that in reality her world is rapidly falling apart and coming to an imminent end... she has never felt more safe and secure...and loved. At this moment, all is right in the world; and nothing can take that away from her as long as he continues to hold her.

They continue to cling onto each other, neither wanting to let go, both haunted bya disturbing precognition that this will most likely be the last timethey'll be together.  

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