The Message

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Apreoccupied-looking Cheryl is angrily chopping vegetables on acutting board in the kitchen; as pieces stray haphazardly off it fromthe force of the blows she's delivering. She stops and turns herhead to look at the phone mounted on the wall. Cheryl momentarilystruggles while debating in her mind whether she should call or not. She turns back around, getting ready to restart chopping again; butinstead, places the knife down and goes to the phone.

She brieflyhesitates before picking up the receiver and dialing. The answeringmachine picks up after several rings. After the beep...

"Yeah; it'sme. I don't know why I'm never return any of mycalls. Fine; whatever...but I thought you should know...yoursister's sick again." She pauses briefly, and then continues, "Iknow you may not want to talk to me...but it would be nice if you'dat least give your sister a call."

Cheryl hangs upthe phone, returns to the counter, picks up the knife and startschopping. She continues to do so for the next minute or two, thenstares down at the cutting board. Suddenly, Cheryl raises the knifeto the side of her head...holding the utensil in a 'stabbing'position...and thrusts the point of the blade into the wooden board;then releases the handle and leaves the knife embedded in it standingupright. She turns around and leans with her lower back pressedagainst the counter and arms folded across her chest; staring at thephone.

    Tears start togradually form in the corner of her eyes and slowly stream down herface. Cheryl wipes them away, takes in a deep breath, turns backaround, takes hold of the knife and resumes chopping the vegetables.

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