The Last Chemo Treatment

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She's come to the stage where instead of the chemo fighting the leukemia, her leukemia's fighting the chemo. It's a rough session, as Nadine reacts badly to the treatment. Adele's trying her best to comfort Nadine as she painfully vomits bile into a bed pan; while all the time shaking and sweating profusely.

A visibly distraught Cheryl watches her suffering daughter with much distress. Cheryl's come to the stage where even though she proclaims Nadine will beat the cancer again, she states this much less often than in the beginning. And on those occasions that she does say it, she herself has doubts about the veracity of the claim; and now must force herself into believing that Nadine's somehow going to get well.

After five brutally agonizing dry heaves, Nadine forcefully expels a large glob of bile mixed with a mouthful of blood. Seeing this, Cheryl can't take it anymore; and hastily leaves the room. Corrine follows after her.

With the exception of a couple of kitchen workers behind the counter, the hospital cafeteria is empty when Cheryl comes running in. She begins to frantically pace about while nervously rubbing her hands together.

Corrine enters and stands by the door watching her mother. A few minutes pass before Cheryl realizes that Corrine's there.

"Sorry; I just..." Cheryl takes in a deep breath, then continues, "I'll be fine as soon as this stage passes and the chemo starts getting rid of the..."



Corrine moves in closer to Cheryl. "Mom...don't you think it's time?"

"Time for what?"

"Time to accept the fact that the chemo's not working...that it isn't going to work."

"Wait...what are you trying to say, Cory?"

" know what I'm saying. It's no use..."


"Mom; listen..."

Cheryl sharply clasps her hands over her ears. "I don't want to hear this nonsense."

"Mom, please...I hate to admit it as much as you do...but the fact is...Nadine's dying."

Cheryl defiantly shakes her head. "No...can't hear you."



Corrine gently pulls Cheryl's hands from her ears. "'s no use...the chemo's not working...Nadine's going to die. She's gonna die, Mom."

Cheryl turns and starts to walk away; but quickly turns back around.

"No! She's not going to..." Tears begin to trickle from her eyes. "I won't..." She wipes the tears away. "I can't..."

Tears start streaming down her cheeks. The time has come for Cheryl to come to terms with what she's been dreading since the initial meeting with Dr. Minoit back in face the harsh reality of her baby girl's inescapable fate.

"I can't accept that..." Cheryl emits a deeply melancholic sigh. "But I're right...she's gonna die."

Tears begin to flow from Corrine's eyes. They embrace to console one another. Then Cheryl looks up.

"Oh God; no."

Unbeknownst to both of them, Adele, who came to get Nadine some juice, was standing at the cafeteria entrance; overhearing the entire conversation. Her lips are vigorously quivering; and it's apparent that she's fighting to hold back from crying. She quickly spins around and rushes out of the cafeteria.

Cheryl calls out, "Adele, honey; wait!"

Dr. Minoit's tending to Nadine when Adele bursts into the Chemotherapy Treatment room.

"You lied  to me, Nadine!"

Nadine slowly sits up a little further in the chair. "What do you mean I lied to you, Adele?"

Cheryl and Corrine rush into the room; coming to a quick halt. Adele looks at them, then back at Nadine.

"I heard your mom and Corrine say you're gonna die." Adele briefly pauses to fight back a sudden urge to cry; and once that feeling subsides, she asks, "Is it true...are you gonna die, Nadine?"

Nadine tries to downplay the severity of her condition and lighten the mood by giving Adele a small, tender comforting smile while glibly replying, "Well...truthfully...we're all gonna die someday."

Adele doesn't find any comfort in Nadine's answer; and uses an imploring tone in her voice with a simple, "Nadine?"

"I'm sorry. Yes...Adele...I'm going to die."

Adele appears confounded. "But...the medicine. You said that if you took your'd get better."

Nadine remains silent. Adele begins to slowly look to everyone around the room; who solemnly bow their heads down when she comes to look upon them. Then she looks back to Nadine.

"Then...the medicine isn't helping?"

Nadine looks to Adele apologetically and softly confesses, "No."

Nadine suddenly becomes ill again; throwing her face into the bed pan as she begins to vomit violently. Adele rushes to Nadine's side and holds her. She looks to Dr. Minoit.

"The medicine won't make her better?"

"No, Adele; it won't."

"It's just making her sicker?"

Dr. Minoit nods. Adele looks down upon Nadine while gently stroking her head asshe continues to vomit.

"Then stop it, Dr. Minoit."

"Stop what, Adele?"

"The medicine. If it's not gonna help...if it's only making her sicker...stop it."

Dr. Minoit looks to Cheryl; who in turn immediately looks to Corrine. Corrine nods. Cheryl reciprocates; then turns back to the doctor.

"I think it's time we stop the chemo treatments, Dr. Minoit; don't you?"

Dr. Minoit nods in agreement, then shuts down the machine administering the drug. Nadine continues to be ill as Adele comfortingly embraces her.

"It's gonna be okay, Nadine; I got you...I got you."

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