A Small Victory

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Nadine enters the office and approaches Miss Krinsky; who's sorting papers at the counter. "Miss Krinsky; I was told that Principal Davis wanted to see me?"

Miss Krinsky immediately puts the papers down and tenderly takes hold of Nadine's hands. "Nadine, sweetie; how are you doing?"

"I'm okay."

"Sweetie; let me know if there's anything I can do for you or your family...anything at all. Okay?"

"Okay; I will. Thank you."

"Now; I mean that, Nadine...okay?"


Miss Krinsky remains holding onto Nadine's hands, looking upon her with sympathetic eyes. Though Nadine appreciates the sentiment, she's feeling a bit uncomfortable. She never intentionally sought out getting attention from others. And she certainly never wanted to have anyone feeling sorry for her; even when sick.

"Um...Miss Krinsky...doesn't Principal Davis want to see me?"

"Oh...of course...I'm sorry, sweetie. Wait here while I get him."

Miss Krinsky lets go of one of Nadine's hands, then lightly pats the other one before releasing it. Nadine watches as she walks back to Principal Davis and Mr. Trudeaux; who are currently huddled in a conversation outside of the principal's office door. Miss Krinsky taps the principal's shoulder, getting his attention, and points out Nadine.

"Nadine...come around and see me and Mr. Trudeaux in my office."

She nods, then begins to walk around the counter. When Nadine enters the office, Mr. Trudeaux's already seated in front of the desk; while Principal Davis remains standing behind it. He gestures to the empty seat next to Mr. Trudeaux.

"Nadine; have a seat, please."

Nadine sits down; followed by Principal Davis. He begins...

"I've spoken with your teachers about your request. First of all, they're all saddened and sincerely sorry to hear about your illness. And just let them know if there's anything they can do to make you feel more comfortable in their classes."

"All I want is for Adele to be able to sit next to me in them when she starts."

"About that..." Principal Davis briefly pauses, as he tries to figure out the best way to tell her. "Nadine...Mr. Trudeaux and I both understand...and applaud you...for what you want to do for Miss Wilson. I hope you realize that?"

Nadine slowly nods, as a quizzical look begins forming on her face. He continues...

"And I hope that you can understand..." He briefly pauses again. "Nadine...I can't make your teachers take on Adele in their classes...no matter what the circumstances...if they don't..."

An agitated Nadine cuts him off. "But you said you would arrange for Adele to be in my classes."

"No...I said that I would discuss the matter with them. I never prom..."

Nadine's highly upset. "But that's not fair! Why can't Adele be in class with me?"

Mr. Trudeaux attempts to diffuse the situation; at the very least, try to have Nadine simmer down a bit. "Now, Ms. Martin, please calm down; there's no need for you to get yourself so upset over..."

Nadine snaps back, "Of course there's a need to be upset, Mr. Trudeaux...it isn't fair!"

In an attempt to draw back her attention, Principal Davis brusquely interjects, "Now, if you'd just calm down one minute, Miss Martin."

Nadine turns and angrily stares at Principal Davis. He starts to inform her...

"Look, Nadine...if it's any consolation...one of your other teachers did agree to take Adele in..."

Suddenly elated, Nadine nearly jumps out of her seat from jubilation. "Really...who?"

"Mrs. Newman. She's agreed to have Adele in your English class."

Mr. Trudeaux declares in a stately fashion, "You see, Ms. Martin...a victory for our side. Albeit a small victory...but a victory nonetheless."

Truly gratified that someone else was willing to give Adele a chance, Nadine smiles as she professes, "Yeah...I always did like Mrs. Newman."

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