An Act of Kindness

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Although she herself has hardly had any social interaction with her, Nadine has always held a soft spot in her heart for Adele. Deep down inside, she has always despised the way most of the people at school treat Adele; though she has never stepped forward to address it before. That is...before today.

Nadine walks over and bends down beside Adele. "Are you okay, Adele?"

Seemingly in awe, with her mouth partially agape, Adele looks in Nadine's direction. She can't believe Nadine Martin, a girl whom she's always admired, was right there next to her...speaking to her...and calling her "Adele".

Sounding almost in shock over it, "You know my name, Nadine?"

Nadine lets outa short, kindhearted laugh. "Yeah...and you know my name."

Adele looks back to the floor. "Everybody knows your name. Nobody knows mine."

"That's not true...I know it."

Nadine starts helping Adele gather her things; while Adele desperately tries to avoid making eye contact.

"Frankie's a jerk, Adele; don't let him get to you. Just ignore him. Okay?"

Not wanting to appear being rude to Nadine Martin, Adele makes brief indirect eye contact and gives a quick nod to acknowledge her; then resumes stuffing the backpack.

"Good." Nadine continues to help.

Sarah calls from across the hall, "Nadine, come on; we've got to go."

She looks to Sarah, "Okay; be there in a sec..." then back at Adele, "Are you going to be alright?"

Again, Adele makes quick indirect eye contact and nods.

"Alright then; I'll be going now. See you around. Bye."

Nadine rejoins her friends. Adele watches as they walk away; softly saying aloud to herself...


While walking down the hallway, Sarah asks Nadine, "So, what was that all about?"


"You helping out the weirdo?"


"What? Sorry, Nadine; but you have to admit, that girl's weird."

"She's not weird...she's just different."

Trish comments, "Yeah; weird different."

"Stop it, you guys; she's a nice girl. She's just..."

Sarah hastily finishes, "Weird."

Nadine emphatically insists, "Different."

Sarah decides to end the debate for the time being. "Whatever. Let's just hurry up before we're late to homeroom."

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