The Royal Couple

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Cheryl sits at a table with Nadine, Sarah, Trish and Janice; while Adele looks for Mr. Trudeaux. When she finds him, she whispers in his ear. He nods, walks over to the stereo, turns off the music and picks up the microphone; meanwhile, Adele joins Nadine and the others. He announces...

"Ahem...may I have your attention, please." He waits for silence before continuing, "First off; I hope everyone is enjoying themselves here tonight at the Wilson-Martin Junior Prom. I know I myself am having a splendid time. And now...keeping in line with traditional is time to announce the Prom Queen and King.  And, I have been bestowed by Ms. Wilson the honor of doing so."

Mr. Trudeaux begins to gradually work his way over to their table as he continues to emcee.

"Now admittedly, all you ladies here this evening are truly lovely...and, most deserving of this prestigious title. But alas, only one may be crowned as Prom Queen. And that one this evening..." he reaches the table and walks up behind Nadine, "Ms. Nadine Martin."

Nadine appears stunned as everyone in attendance vibrantly applauds.

Mr. Trudeaux asks, "Ms. Martin; would you like to say a few words?"

Nadine slowly rises; seemingly overwhelmed. And now, for the first time this evening, Nadine's become self-conscious about her appearance. She's starting to feel embarrassed of her shoddy, in comparison to the others, attire. All the other girls are dressed in beautiful, fancy gowns while she's wearing an old, faded terrycloth bath robe over a pair of just-as-old pajamas; her favorite pair of bunny slippers...which are also displaying years of wear and tear; with their sagging bunny ears and one missing eye on the right one...and a blue with white polka dots kerchief draped over her bald head. Not to mention thinking of how horridly sick looking she must appear to her friends.

Nadine looks to Mr. Trudeaux with a sad, bewildered expression etched upon her countenance and softly mutters, "But...I don't understand."

"Don't understand what, Ms. Martin?"

"Why...why me?"

"Why you what?"

"Why did you pick me to be Prom Queen, Mr. Trudeaux?"

He smiles, then informs her, "Well, Ms. Martin; I alone am not responsible for you being deemed Prom Queen. You see...being the democratic society that we are, a vote was conducted. Though you certainly would have been my have also received the votes of all your fellow classmates here this evening. You have unanimously won the title."

Just as Nadine starts wiping away the tears beginning to slowly trickle down her cheeks, she hears someone call out, "Wait...I think she'll need this."

Victoria, a fellow student from Mrs. Newman's English class, dressed in a lovely evening gown with a sash reading "Prom Court" draped over her shoulder and faux tiara on her head, walks over to Nadine and Adele; while carrying a bouquet of roses. She removes the crown from her head.

"Christy Rosenberg won the Prom Queen crown...big surprise...but I still think this is a nice little crown. And, on you; sure beats the heck out of Christy's." She hands the crown to Adele. "Here, Adele; you do the honors."

Adele smiles happily as she gently places the crown on Nadine's kerchief adorned head and devoutly tells her, "You're a real queen now, Nadine."

Victoria gives her flowers to Nadine and then begins to walk away; but, stops and turns to Adele. "By the way, Adele; you were right. Those "Anne" books are great...I'm really enjoying reading them. Thanks for the tip."

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