Sarah's Confession

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When Sarah exits the church, she sees Adele leaning against a tree across the street. Her arms are tightly folded across her chest, and her lips are violently quivering as tears stream down her cheeks. Sarah slowly walks over to her. 

"Are you okay, Adele?"

She shakes her head, but doesn't answer. Sarah takes Adele consolingly in her arms and holds her.

"It's okay, Adele."

"No..." While still remaining in Sarah's hold, Adele leans back a little to look her in the face. "'s not okay, Sarah. Nadine's gonna be next."

There's silence as they look at each other; then Sarah places her hand behind Adele's head and gently pulls it down to her chest while tightening her hold on Adele. She whispers in her ear...

"I know."

Adele sobs, "It's not fair. She's my best friend."

"' isn't fair. She is your best friend. And you're her best friend, Adele. You know that; right?"

Adele pulls her head away from Sarah and nods while wiping away some of the tears running down her cheeks. Sarah releases her hold, then looks at Adele for a brief moment before confessing...

"Adele...I have to tell you something. But please promise me that you won't be mad at me."

"I won't be mad, Sarah."

"Good." Sarah takes a few steps away, then turns back to Adele. " you remember back at the beginning of school...when Mr. Trudeaux assigned Nadine to be your friend for the class project?"


"Well...back then...when you two first starting hanging out together..." Sarah exhibits a shameful visage. "I did something...something I'm not proud of doing now, Adele."


"Adele...I...I...I told Nadine that I thought she should stop being friends with you. I told her that hanging around you was ruining her reputation. That people would only keep on making fun of her if she stayed friends with you."

Adele begins to develop a hurt look on her face; which greatly disturbs Sarah. She quickly moves in closer and affectionately takes hold of Adele's hands.

"But then, when I got to know you, Adele...and, thought about it...then, I knew."

"Knew what?"

"The real reason why I think I was telling her what I did. Adele...I was jealous of you."

"Jealous of me? Why?"

"Because I was Nadine's best friend, Adele...but then she started hanging out with you and...well..." Sarah releases Adele's hands and starts walking away.

Adele calls out, "I'm sorry, Sarah. I didn't mean to make Nadine stop being your best friend. I just...I just...I just wanted to have a friend. I just wanted her to be my friend, too."

Sarah stops, slowly shakes her head, then goes back over to Adele and takes hold of her hands again. "No...don't apologize, Adele. It's okay. You're Nadine's best friend...and you deserve to be it...and she deserves it, too.'re a way better friend to Nadine than I ever was. Than I ever can be. Than anyone can. Nadine is so lucky to have you as a friend...her best friend. I just hope that you can forgive me and be my friend, too."

" are my friend." Adele looks down to the ground and gently bites her lower lip; then looks back to Sarah with those charmingly endearing eyes of hers and tells her, "But...if it's okay with you...Nadine's always going to be my best friend...even when she...dies."

Sarah looks affectionately into Adele's eyes and smiles. "I wouldn't have it any other way, Adele."

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