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There are no more 'good' days; some are just less rough than others. And, on those 'kinder' days, Nadine insists on visiting the Wilson residence. She finds the tranquility of their home to have the most soothing effect on her mind and spirit as the end quickly approaches. And, Cheryl has no objection to this; she just wants her daughter's last days to be as pleasant and comforting as possible for her. So, she'll have Corrine take Nadine...and Adele; who now practically lives at the Martins to be with her dying friend...over to Estelle's house.

Nadine's wrapped in a blanket, lying on a lawn lounge chair; with Adele sitting on the ground at her side. They're drinking Estelle's renowned sun brewed iced tea sweetened with fresh, all natural, dark honey acquired from Mr. Talbot's bee farm. This drink is one of the very few items that Nadine's faltering body can tolerate these days; and it's probably Nadine's favorite.

Adele finishes her glass of iced tea. "I'm gonna get some more tea. Want some?"

"Maybe a little more...thanks."

Adele takes Nadine's glass and runs inside. Estelle and Corrine are sitting at the kitchen table drinking their tea.

"Grandma; is it okay if I get more iced tea for me and Nadine?"

"It's in the fridge, Suga'bear."

"Thank you."

Adele gets the pitcher and takes it over to the sink counter to pour the tea. While doing so, she looks out the window to check on Nadine.

Outside, two baby deer cautiously exit the woods bordering the edge of the backyard and carefully survey the area, then move in slowly towards Nadine. Nadine happens to look up in their direction and sees them approaching her. She smiles with a partially agape mouth.

These days, Nadine isn't fully cognizant all the time; sometimes forgetting what has happened mere moments before. She has forgotten that Adele went inside to get the tea; and scans her immediate surroundings looking for her.

"Adele...where are you? Do you see them?"

From the kitchen window, Adele watches as the deer walk up to Nadine and gently rub their noses against her head. Nadine softly strokes them as they do this. Adele starts to cry.

She cries out, "Grandma."

Estelle and Corrine jump up and hurry to Adele. Estelle starts looking out the window just as Adele wraps her arms around her waist, throws her face into her chest and sobs. Estelle sees the deer by Nadine, then looks down upon Adele's head while gently patting her back.

"Now, now, Suga' got to be strong now...for Nadine."

Adele lets goof Estelle and wipes her face dry as she forces herself to stop crying. "Okay, Grandma...I will. For Nadine."

Estelle smiles. "I know you will. Now go on and take that tea out to her, Suga'bear."

"Yes, mam."

Adele picks up the glasses and goes out the back door. When she steps onto the porch, the deer look up in her direction, then slowly retreat back into the woods. Adele goes to Nadine, gives her the glass and sits back down beside her.

Nadine, speaking as enthusiastically as she could under her condition, inquires, "Adele...did you see that?"


"Oh my God; that was so cool."

Adele reaches over and hugs Nadine, " was..." Adele keeps her arm draped over Nadine's shoulders; leaning her head against Nadine's. "Cool."

Estelle and Corrine are watching from the kitchen window. Corrine appears befuddled.

"I don't get it. Why did Adele get so upset? I thought it was kind of neat the way those deer just went up and nuzzled Nadine."

While looking out the window, Estelle tells Corrine, "She got upset 'cause she know."

"Knows what?"

Estelle faces her and explains, "Corrine...they say when animals leave the safety of their own surroundings to walk up and get so close like they did to Nadine...they say they doin' it to say goodbye." Corrine's jaw drops as she stares at Estelle; who takes Corrine's hands in hers. "Corrine, need to prepare yourself. Your almost her time."

Estelle releases Corrine's hands, then quickly walks away sniffling. Tears begin streaming down Corrine's face as she looks out the window and watches Adele remain holding onto Nadine.

Nadine and AdeleWhere stories live. Discover now