Prom Committee

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It's the time of the school year that most of the school faculty dreads...the convening of the Junior and Senior Prom committees. Each grade has their representatives conceive a unique theme; and then take that concept and transform it into the 'perfect evening'. And every year, several faculty members are designated to oversee the process for each event. This year, Mr. Trudeaux was supposed to help coordinate the Senior Prom; but he had requested to be reassigned to the Junior Prom's committee because of the two unexpected members.

Of course, Christy Rosenberg and several members of the 'Cool Crew', including former member Leah VanCleef, are committee members; being how they previously served on the committees for their Freshman Spring Formal and Sophomore Cotillion. And Eddie and Hector, selected to represent the school band, are also on the committee. 

But also serving on the Junior Prom committee are Nadine and Adele. Nadine volunteered to join the committee because she saw this as her last chance to be part of a major high school event. Adele's only on the committee because Nadine asked her to be on it with her; figuring it would be a good experience for her as well.

What the selected teachers hate most about monitoring the committees isn't the actual work involved with orchestrating the dances themselves; but rather, all the squabbling which usually prevails in the preplanning stages. With each member believing their own idea is the best way to go, holding steadfast until there's no other choice but to finally conceded and hash all ideas through the 'committee mill' in hopes of coming up with an acceptable resolution that everyone will eventually agree upon. It's the same dilemma faced by each teacher, each year, on each committee.

But, this year will be different; at least for Mr. Trudeaux, who has the good fortune of dodging this annual standoff ritual. Call it a hunch, or just plain dumb luck; but due to his bold and ingenious move at the opening of the first Junior Prom committee meeting, the group is able to bypass the arduous phase in the planning of their prom. He opens by announcing...

"I'd like to take a moment before we begin these proceedings to put into effect some guidelines which I feel may aid us in our endeavors to construct this year's Junior Prom. I have overseen enough of these committees throughout the years here to know what to expect will happen over the course of the planning stages. 

 I'd like to try something a little different this time and inject some sort of order into the works. Instead of beginning with the usual free fo rall...where everyone starts shouting their ideas out into the arena all at once; drowning out one another in the process...I've decided that we shall be a bit more civil and courteous to our fellow classmates, and have each of you take turns to present your ideas. 

And, I have also decided that the order in which you shall present your ideas to the group will be in alphabetical order by first name..." Mr. Trudeaux looks to Adele. "So...Adele...your thoughts?"

Totally caught off guard, Adele begins to display an anxious countenance. It was almost like repeating that first day in his Sociology class; when he had put her on the spot by asking her to explain the meaning of sociology to the class...almost. 

 Adele has become more confident over the past months; and though she still remains more timid than most of her peers at school, she can at least now respond when called upon without converting into a seeming basket case.

"My thoughts; Mr. Trudeaux?"

"Yes, Adele. What do you think this year's Junior Prom theme should be?"

Adele initially looks to Nadine to seek comfort; but instead finds immediate inspiration. She smiles; then without any provocation whatsoever, stands up and emphatically answers...


Suddenly, she realizes that everyone's staring at her; and she slowly sits backdown.


"Yes, sir; Mr. Trudeaux."

"Interesting choice. And may I ask why you chose Hawaii as your choice for the prom's theme, Ms. Wilson?"

"Well...Nadine always wanted to go to Hawaii...but she couldn't go before because she was sick then.  And she can't go now...because she's sick again...and she's gonna die." Adele becomes momentarily silent before explaining...

"She may never have the chance to go I just thought...well...if the theme of the prom was Hawaii... well; then maybe it would be like she did go."  She pauses briefly before asking, "Don't you think?"

Instantly, a reverent silence takes over the room; as nearly everyone at the table, almost as if in unison, gradually bow their heads slightly and reflect upon what Adele had proposed...the atmosphere seeming quite similar to that of when a priest might ask everyone to take a moment of silence during a church service. This goes on for nearly a minute, until Leah speaks out...

"I think Hawaii is a great idea. I second it."

Eddie immediately follows. "I third it!"

This was the first time since returning to school that Nadine has heard Eddie's voice. She smiles as she thinks to herself how much she's missed hearing it; and how glad she's finally hearing it again.

He turns to Hector. "What do you say, Hector? Hawaii...that's pretty good; right?"

Hector looks to a demonstratively sick looking Nadine; but all he sees is the gentle smile extending across her face at this time. He quickly fights back the lump starting to form in his throat so he can answer.

" is pretty good. Actually; really good...I say we go with that."

The 'Cool Crew' representatives are waiting for their leader to respond before they voice their opinions; which will, of course, be consistent with Christy's.

It is in Christy Rosenberg's nature to always do whatever it takes to get her own way; and never let anyone out best her. She has always referred to Nadine Martin as the 'thorn in her side', viewing hera s a constant threat to her popularity status; and has made it her endeavor to do anything it takes to keep Nadine from surpassing her in the ranking. 

 As for the 'Freak'...Adele Wilson...she has always represented that which Christy could never bring herself to ever accept. Adele was, to Christy Rosenberg, the epitome of un-coolness and non-conformity; which made Adele Wilson the perfect target for belittling and humiliating for her own self-gratification and amusement. 

 So naturally, everyone sitting at the committee table pretty much expects that Christy Rosenberg isn't about to go along with any suggestion that Adele Wilson suggests...especially one that's meant to please Nadine Martin.

To everybody's amazement, Christy does the unthinkable. She doesn't say that she agrees that the theme should be Hawaii...but, she doesn't fight the idea either. She merely responds in a cold, matter of fact manner...

"Whatever...I don't care."

With that, the rest of the 'Cool Crew' silently abstains from the voting process. And, with no formal objections given, the theme of this year's Roosevelt High School Junior Prom will be...Hawaii.

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