Nadine's Death

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Estelle's sitting with a distraught Cheryl at the kitchen table when Corrine bursts in.

"Mom...Nadine wants you." A sudden look of urgency falls upon her countenance as a few tears start to form in the corners of her eyes. "I think you better hurry."

Cheryl becomes panic stricken as she quickly faces Estelle; who immediately takes Cheryl's hands and gives them a gentle, comforting squeeze. "Goon."

Cheryl and Corrine rush out. Estelle picks up the plates from the table and takes them over to the sink. She puts them down, makes the sign of the cross and begins praying for Nadine.

As Cheryl and Corrine enter her bedroom, Adele informs her, "Your mom's here, Nadine."

Cheryl hurries to Nadine's bedside and takes her hand. Adele releases Nadine's other hand and stands.

"I'll go now so you two can talk."

Nadine slowly turns her head to look to Adele. "No."

Then Nadine slowly turns her head to her mother and looks at her with pleading eyes. Cheryl instantly understands and nods.

"It's okay...Adele; you stay here with us, honey."

Adele retakes Nadine's and sits back down beside her.

Nadine, with tears forming again in her eyes, looks up to her mother. "Mommy...I'm sorry."

"Sorry? Sorry for what, baby?"

"For not getting better. I'm sorry...for disappointing you..." Nadine struggles to catch her breath, then finishes, "and letting you down."

Cheryl bursts out into tears as she quickly draws Nadine's hand to her mouth and repeatedly kisses it. When she stops, Cheryl wholeheartedly avows...

", baby; don't be sorry...don't. You never disappointed or let me down, Nadine...never. I love you...I've always loved you. And I've always been proud of you, proud that you're my daughter..." She looks back at Corrine. "Both of you." 

Cheryl wipes her face dry as she turns back to Nadine. "I love you, Nadine, baby...and I don't want you to die." Tears begin forming in her eyes again. "Oh God, I don't want you to...but, I know you're tired, baby. And it's okay. If you can't fight it anymore...if it hurts too much...then don't fight it, Nadine. Just go,'s okay... really."

Cheryl can't hold it back any longer and starts crying again.

Nadine slowly turns her head and looks beseechingly up to Adele. "Adele?"

Adele tenderly squeezes Nadine's hand and lovingly smiles down upon her. "It's okay, Mama and Grandpa Joe are waiting for you."

With that, Adele receives her last smile from Nadine; who slowly turns her head towards the ceiling. She closes her eyes and contently smiles as she takes in her last breath. Nadine passes. She lies there, finally looking rested and in total peace.

Cheryl and Corrine embrace and cry. Adele gently raises Nadine's hand to her lips and reverently kisses it. She delicately lowers it back to Nadine's side and solemnly leaves the room; leaving behind Cheryl and Corrine sobbing in one another's arms at Nadine's bedside.  

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